This is written as a personal project, with a view to learning more about computer architecture. This is being implemented following the RISCV specs in pure C. The ultimate goal is to run linux for riscv on this emulator.
Currently, the following has been implemented: 1. RV32i base instruction set 2. RV64i base instruction set 3. RV32/64 Zicsr standard extension 4. RV32M standart extension 5. RV64M standart extension
1. Fully implement RV64G (IMAFD extensions)
2. Interrupt handling
3. Trap handling
6. Run xv6 unix
7. Run linux for riscv
In order to build and run the emulator, clone the repo and simply do the following
./main <binary.bin>
The binary.bin
is the binary file to be run. A test code can be written
in c in the tests
directory. Then in the tests directory, you can run
which will produce the required binary test.bin
file to be
supplied to the emulator. Then you can run the produced file.
cd ./tests && make
cd ../ & ./main tests/test.bin
There is an official repo by riscv here.
This contains the tests for each cpu operation for different sets of modular
impplemnetations. In order to run the riscv-tests on this emulator, clone the
repo and build the test executables in the isa
folder. The tests are
grouped in directories.
For example, in order to test the rv64ui(user mode, integer), run the following
git clone
cd riscv-tests/isa
make rv64ui
This is going to produce the riscv executables for all the instructions for the
rv64ui implmenetation and dumpfiles to check the operation for the respective
instructions. In order to produce the bin file, objcopy for riscv is required.
For that, install riscv-tools
from here;
Simply run:
git clone
cd riscv-tools & make & make linux
The executables going to be installed under /opt/riscv/bin
by default.
Addn the path to your PATH variable in your .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/riscv/bin
Now, you can generate the binary file running the following
riscv64-unknown-elf-objcopy -O binary riscv-tests/isa/rv32ui-p-ori tests/ori.bin
A simple python script that I wrote to build all the tests in the riscv-tests directory. You can run the following to get all the binary files in you provided destination folder
./ <riscv-tests-dir> <destination-dir>
Currently, the emulator passes the following tests: 1. rv32ui 2. rv64ui 3. rv64um