SPlist is a set of classes for non-realtime-soundfile-transformation, that treats sound-files as list of Periods. The name derives from SortablePeriodList.
Copy the SPList folder in your supercollider extensions folder or use the SuperCollider Quark GUI.
On linux simply compile splistanalyst with
make install
Now splistanalyst is not necessary anymore but recommended because tested.
For the most reliable and well tested analysis of a sound file you need to have the programm "splistanalyst" installed. In the moment I make the assumption that "splistanalyst" would be only installed on linux.
Since the last version of this library "splistanalyst" is not mandatory anymore. It is possible to analyse the sound-file within SuperCollider.
Unlike usual handling of arrays in SuperCollider SPList is like a List that is operating on its own content, it is not creating a new copy!
// the play method creates wav files in your /tmp/ folder maybe you have to delete them yourself when you restart your computer seldom
//load file
a=SPLSourceFile.newSPL(2,"test.wav");//choose your example file
//play file
a.play // plays file after being reconstructed
//transform: transpose each period differently
//sort the list by the amplitude of each period
It is an old project of mine, because of this, the code is sometimes a bit messy.
All the code is licensed under GPL v3.0