****# Clean Laravel CMS Laravel CMS Clean
|-- routes
| |-- admin.php - this is admin routing file
| |-- web.php - this is client routing file
In your .php file, in the render()
method, at the end of the line return view();
add layout('components.layouts.admin.authorized');
In your migration file insert this example, this util class, economy you time from create translatable model and migration class for multi language
\App\Utils\WithTranslatable::create($modelClass, $foreignId, $mappedFillable, $modelPrimaryId);
$modelClass = \App\Models\Page::class;
$mappedFillable = [
['string' => 'title'],
['string' => 'name'],
['mediumText' => 'description'],
['mediumText' => 'keywords'],
['longText' => 'body'],
In your livewire component include this snippet
<livewire:admin.components.tree.tree-inner :model-class="get_class($itemsCollection[0]->getModel())" :elements="$itemsCollection" />
use App\Traits\WithTree;
protected $childModel = YouChildModel::class;
protected $childForeignId = 'foreign_id';
protected $routeNames = [
'edit' => 'admin.pages.edit',
'create' => 'admin.pages.create',
protected $showEditLink = true;
protected $showCreateLink = true;
$childModel | string | This variable of child element model |
$childForeignId: string | string | This variable of child model, where foreign id for parent table in DB |
$routNames | array | In this variable write you edit and create link |
$showEditLink | bool | This variable toggle show 'edit' link in your tree view item. Default: true |
$showCreateLink | bool | This variable toggle show 'create' link in your tree view item. Default: true |
In you component use this example
<textarea name="content" data-is-upload="true" id="content" data-tiny data-tinymce-id="content" cols="30" rows="10"></textarea>
data-tiny | this data attribute required from instance editor. |
data-is-upload | true or false, from show file manager uploader |
data-tinymce-id | attribute id. |
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
setTimeout(() => {
adminFunctions.tinymceInstances()['content'].on('change', () => {
@this.set('model', adminFunctions.tinymceInstances()['content'].getContent())
}, 200);
Create two model, own model and name
Create own model and add this example code
- Foreign key in table with translates
- Translatable model name
- Translatable model class
is const TABLE_NAME
- current table name
use Translatable;
protected string $translationFkName = 'page_id';
protected string $translationTableName = PageTranslation::TABLE_NAME;
protected string $translationModelClass = PageTranslation::class;
public const TABLE_NAME = "page";
protected $table = self::TABLE_NAME;
Create translatable model and add this code
is const TABLE_NAME
- Current table name;
public const TABLE_NAME = "page_translation";
protected $table = self::TABLE_NAME;
From use SEO add
use SeoTrait;
- this is title from <title></title>
- this is title from <meta name="description"
- this is title from <meta name="keywords"
- this is Social preview title from <meta property="og:title"
and another social title meta tags
- this is og:description from <meta property="og:description"
and another social descriptions meta tags
- this is og:image from <meta property="og:image"
and another social image(preview) meta tags
- this is og:image from <meta property="og:image"
and another social image(preview) meta tags
In your .php class of livewire component add given code
Inside the body of the class
public string|null $temp_id = null;
In mount()
method paste this code
$this->temp_id = uniqid();
In your .blade livewire component paste this code
<livewire:admin.components.gallery :model-type="\App\Models\Page::class" is-edit="1" :model-id="$item->id"/>
<livewire:admin.components.gallery :model-type="\App\Models\Page::class"/>
- Insert your model class with namespace(in editing record it required property)
- Is record id example :model-id="$item->id"
- Insert your model class with namespace(in editing record it required property)
if editing mode the is-edit
required property and pass in 1
In your save method, after model->save();
paste this code
replace for your public property
$galleryItems = \App\Models\Gallery::findByModelTypeAndTempId(\App\Models\Page::class, $this->temp_id);
foreach($galleryItems as $image) {
$image->model_id = $this->item->id;
$image->temp_id = null;
Run command
$ php artisan role:install
Run command
$ php artisan role:uninstall
TELEGRAM_BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN=#Put her telegram bot token
TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID=#Put her chat id