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Copyright (C) 2024 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.

Notes on third party libraries used in this software


mod-serials-management is a FOLIO module to support serials management functionality. Specifically this includes managing serial records which support a status and description, can be linked to a purchase order line and title from mod-orders and can have a publication pattern defined.

Publication patterns (called rulesets in the code) specify information required to predict what issues are expected to be published for a serial during a given time period, and can be used with serials records to generate a list of expected receiving pieces in mod-orders.

Code of Conduct

Refer to the Wiki FOLIO Code of Conduct.

Module installation and upgrade notes

The module has important dependences on reference data. initial installations and module upgrades should specify loadReference=true. The module may not work as expected if this is omitted.

The following reference data (refdata) categories are created on installation:

Refdata Category URL for values
ChronologyTemplateMetadataRule.TemplateMetadataRuleFormat /serials-management/refdata/ChronologyTemplateMetadataRule/TemplateMetadataRuleFormat
CombinationRule.PatternType /serials-management/refdata/CombinationRule/PatternType
CombinationRule.TimeUnits /serials-management/refdata/CombinationRule/TimeUnits
EnumerationNumericLevelTMRF.Format /serials-management/refdata/EnumerationNumericLevelTMRF/Format
EnumerationNumericLevelTMRF.Sequence /serials-management/refdata/EnumerationNumericLevelTMRF/Sequence
EnumerationTemplateMetadataRule.TemplateMetadataRuleFormat /serials-management/refdata/EnumerationTemplateMetadataRule/TemplateMetadataRuleFormat
Global.Month /serials-management/refdata/Global/Month
Global.MonthDayFormat /serials-management/refdata/Global/MonthDayFormat
Global.MonthFormat /serials-management/refdata/Global/MonthFormat
Global.Weekday /serials-management/refdata/Global/Weekday
Global.WeekdayFormat /serials-management/refdata/Global/WeekdayFormat
Global.YearFormat /serials-management/refdata/Global/YearFormat
OmissionRule.PatternType /serials-management/refdata/OmissionRule/PatternType
OmissionRule.TimeUnits /serials-management/refdata/OmissionRule/TimeUnits
Recurrence.TimeUnits /serials-management/refdata/Recurrence/TimeUnits
RecurrenceRule.PatternType /serials-management/refdata/RecurrenceRule/PatternType
Serial.SerialStatus /serials-management/refdata/Serial/SerialStatus
SerialRuleset.RulesetStatus /serials-management/refdata/SerialRuleset/RulesetStatus
TemplateMetadataRule.TemplateMetadataRuleType /serials-management/refdata/TemplateMetadataRule/TemplateMetadataRuleType


A sample k8s resource definition for service and deployment can be found the scripts directory Or you can get the latest module descriptor from the project OKAPI - [For example - v1.0.0-SNAPSHOT65](curl

This module requires the following env parameters

  • OKAPI_SERVICE_PORT - port number for okapi
  • OKAPI_SERVICE_HOST - Host [namespace.hostname if running in a different namespace to okapi]

The following properties are understood and documented in the Module Descriptor



Additional information

Issue tracker

See project mod-serials-management at the FOLIO issue tracker.

Other documentation

Other modules are described, with further FOLIO Developer documentation at

Download and configuration

The built artifacts for this module are available. See configuration for repository access, and the Docker image.

Notes on github actions for grails:,

Running using grails run-app with the vagrant-db profile

grails -Dgrails.env=vagrant-db run-app

Initial Setup

Most developers will run some variant of the following commands the first time through

In window #1

Start the vagrant image up from the project root

vagrant destroy
vagrant up

Sometimes okapi does not start cleanly in the vagrant image - you can check this with

vagrant ssh

then once logged in

docker ps

should list running images - if no processes are listed, you will need to restart okapi (In the vagrant image) with

sudo su - root
service okapi stop
service okapi start

Finish the part off with

tail -f /var/log/folio/okapi/okapi.log

In window #2

Build and run mod-agreements stand alone

cd service
grails war