This repository contains the demo project covered in my article on Medium.
It is an auxiliary tool so that the reader can see the concepts I have described in action.
- Modern small SSR application based on Next.js 14 App Router
- Retrieving and storing data from the built-in API using a fake content generator
- Skeleton loading
- Cancel XHR request using AbortController via RTK createAppAsyncThunk
- Cache fetched data with RTK condition
- Clean UI with theming support
- Language: TypeScript: 5.3.2
- Framework: Next.js 14.0.3
- State Management: Redux Toolkit 2.0.1
- Styling: Tailwind CSS 3.3.6
- UI Components:
- Deployment: Vercel
This application requires Node.js v18.18+
Clone the repository:
git clone
Install dependencies:
npm install
Run the development server using the command
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.