Simple filesystem-level backup solution based on rdiff-backup over ssh.
Server Example :
# The main backup server
class { 'f3backup::server': }
# The server can't back itself up, rdiff thinks it's already running
class { 'f3backup': backup_rdiff => false }
# More complex example
class { '::f3backup::server':
backup_home => '/srv/backup',
rdiff_global_exclude_file => '/etc/f3backup-exclude.txt, /srv/backup/f3backup/%server%/exclude.txt',
cron_mailto => '',
ssh_config_hosts => {
'' => [
'Port 1234',
Client Examples :
# Enable full filesystem backup (from site.pp for all nodes)
include f3backup
# Disable full filesystem backup on a node
class { 'f3backup':
backup_rdiff => false,
# Exclude filesystem paths from the backup on a node
f3backup::exclude {'/var/lib/mysql/**': }
SSH keys are automatically exported on the server(s) and realized on client nodes.
Testing or forcing a backup run :
$ f3backup -r /etc/f3backup.ini
Configurable options:
- backup_home (default='/backup') Base folder to put the f3backup folder containing all backups.
- backup_server (default='default') Backup server that should perform backups on this client.
- myname (default=$::fqdn) Name of the server, by default it's full qualified domain name.
- ensure (default=present) Ensure backup is present or absent.
- backup_rdiff (default=true): if true will run an rdiff-backup for the full filesystem
- backup_command (default=false): if true will run a specific command after all backups have finished
- priority (default=10) Priority to perform the backup.
- rdiff_keep (default=4W): time to keep the rdiff-backups
- rdiff_global_exclude_file (default=""): array with the directories to be excluded. Each specified directory will be added to the local exclude file. The format should be the same as in rdiff-backup.
- rdiff_user (default='backup') User to use when performing the rdiff backups.
- rdiff_path (default='/') Base path for the rdiff backup.
- rdiff_extra_parameters (default=""): extra parameters to be passed to rdiff-backup.
- command_to_execute (default='/bin/true') Command to execute when performing the command backup.