This is my perl implemenation of a slack service notification handler for icinga2. It was heavily inspired by
- WebService::Slack::WebApi
- Config::IniFiles
- Switch
Drop slack-notification and slack-notification.ini into /etc/icinga2/scripts. Then get yourself an API token at and add into the configuration file.
You also have to insert the hostname of your icingaweb2 installation into General/WebHostname.
You can also adjust the channel used by the notification handler (General/Channel).
contains example user/group/command/notification objects, drop it
into conf.d and adapt it to your needs.
You can add your own emojis to the various servicestates. Just Edit Format/SERVICESTATE. See for a list of supported emojis.
If someone really uses that, the following things would be nice:
- make message configurable via template
- add proper host notification
- some error handling