React has a lot of moving parts, so this repository is intended to ease the pain of initial project setup. I hope this repository can be of help to anyone just starting out with React
and Flux
The application provides a UI composed of three basic components: app.jsx
, button.jsx
, and h1.jsx
. app.jsx
is the entry point into the application. When rendered, the contents are placed into the id
div found in index.html
. If everything is running properly, you should see something like this:
When clicked, the button dispatches an event through the Flux
dispatcher to the rest of the UI. Each component registered through the ExampleStore
receives a notification that data has changed. The button component in this case dispatches an event with the current time on click.
is configured to handle events from the store, and subsequently forces updates to the UI with the timestamp supplied by the button.
This is a React project that uses JSX, you will need to have a current version of node.js
installed in order to transpile to browser-native JavaScript.
, and .babelrc
should contain everything needed to build dist/bundle.js
Running the application can be accomplished in a few ways. For development, I would recommend running with webpack-dev-server
$> webpack-dev-server --progress --colors --debug --content-base dist/
This will monitor the directory for changes and automatically rebuild bundle.js
as necessary. To view the app, point your browser to http://localhost:8080
OR if you would prefer to point your browser to index.html
manually, you can build bundle.js
manually by running:
$> webpack