//do something
A wordle game for kids... and maybe more
Want to make the coolest site about words? We're looking for designers and developers to work on this fun free project Contact me fotoflo@gmail.com
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS
- Jest
- React Testing Library
- Typescript
- Vercel
✅ Build a wordle game ✅ Start with 3 letters words, graduate to 10, and back again ✅ Cheat with statstically possible dictinary words ✅ Show a dialog after graduation ❌ Save state ❌ teach thai keyboard ❌ Share your progress learning to type thai words with your fb friends who will be very impressed
- upgrade between word dialog to show definition, youtube video
- chat with the dictionary about new words
No Commercial. Non Commerical Use ok but attribution required if you read this and use something.
Be nice
- Florentino Trevisan
- Your Name Here
npm install
Duplicate env.local.sample to .env.local
remove the .sample suffix from env files
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run start
copy the envirenment variables into Vercel
git push next
Vercel will push to prod
Alternitively run Vercel --prod
npm run test
note that this runs the .git/hooks/pre-commit