XRF is a small utility written for the Xbox One System OS. It's written to allow the retrieval of console information, experimentation and to take advantage of Win32 functionality.
- CMake (3.8 or greater)
- Visual Studio 2015/2017
- Windows 10 SDK (Preferably latest)
- Xbox One Devkit
It's important to note that debug builds will fail most of the time so it is best to always build with the release configuration as well as x64.
Generate a solution:
mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake ..\ -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
cmake --build . --config Release
Example of generating and building:
mkdir Build
cd Build
cmake ..\ -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
cmake --build . --config Release
There is a post-build command that will copy the executable to the console. You may need to update the hostname with your own consoles. Ensure that you already have established a connection to the remote network share on the console beforehand.
Printing basic console information
XRF cinfo
Printing current user of process
XRF whoami
Display contents of flash
XRF dispflash
Reading a specified filename from flash (Requires Administrator)
XRF readflash [filename] [destination]
Dumping flash raw (Requires Administrator)
XRF dumpflash [dumpname]
- emoose
- tuxuser
- gligli