Configurable Twitter Crawlers (Java based) useful to gather data by both the REST and STREAMING endpoints and based on hbc-twitter4j.
NEWS (21/9/2017): Version 0.5 of the crawler available including the possibility to configure the storage frequency of crawled tweets to disk for the two STREAMING endpoint crawlers (Keyword Filtered Crawler and Bounding box Filtered Crawler). By the property files, users can set the max number of crawled tweets to keep in memory before flushing them to a disk file. In this way, an excessive number of disk write operations is avoided (since they are grouped into bursts). More details below in the description of the property files of the two STREAMING endpoint crawlers (Keyword Filtered Crawler and Bounding box Filtered Crawler).
Core features:
- timeline, keyword and user based crawling (REST endpoints) / keyword, user and bounding box based crawling (STREAMING endpoint)
- complete configuration of crawlers by means of a property file (download the Jar, set up a property file and start crawling,as explained in Set up Twitter crawlers);
- support to manage pools of Twitter credentials
- storage of results in text files (UTF-8) containing one tweet per line in JSON format. For instance for the keyword crawler stores the tweets retrieved in one file per keyword per 20,000 tweets;
- storage of log files.
The following Twitter Crawlers are availabe:
- Account Timeline Crawler (REST endpoint): exploit a pool of Twitter credentials to gather the latest tweets from the timelines of a collection of Twitter accounts (;
- Keyword Crawler (REST endpoint) : exploit a pool of Twitter credentials to gather the latest tweets matching one or more keywords (hashtags, phrases) - (;
- ID list Crawler (REST endpoint) : exploit a pool of Twitter credentials to gather the latest tweets matching one or more keywords (hashtags, phrases) - (;
- Keyword Filtered Crawler (STREAMING endpoint): define a set of keywords (hashtags) to filter and store tweets from the public stream (filter endpoint) - twitter can be optionally filtered also with respect to one or more languages (org.backingdata.twitter.crawler.streaming.TwitterSTREAMHashtagCrawler);
- Bounding box Filtered Crawler (STREAMING endpoint): define a set of bounding boxes to filter and store tweets from the public stream (filter endpoint) - (org.backingdata.twitter.crawler.streaming.TwitterSTREAMBboxCrawler).
Each one of these crawlers can be set up in few simple steps by directly downloading and executing a JAR file as explained in the next paragraph Set up Twitter crawlers; the configuration parameters of each crawler (Twitter credentials' pool, list of users, keywords, bounding boxes, etx.) can be specified by means of a property file (referred to as
When using the Bounding box Filtered Crawler, you can rely on this web interface to easily define the coordinates of each bounding box.
The code implementig each Twitter Crawler is commented into details.
In order to execute one of the previous crawlers you shuld carry out the following steps:
- Download the latest JAR of the twitter-crawler library (currently in its version 0.5). Alternatively you can directly clone the code from GitHub and build the library by maven;
- After downloading the library from twitter-crawler library, extract the file;
- Enter the folder 'twitter-crawler-0.5-bin' that contains the extracted library files and execute the following command:
// Linux users:
java -cp './twitter-crawler-0.5.jar:./lib/*' FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_OF_CRAWLER_CLASS /full/local/path/to/
// Windows users:
java -classpath c:\Full\Local\Path\To\twitter-crawler-0.5\twitter-crawler-0.5.jar;c:\Full\Local\Path\To\twitter-crawler-0.5\lib\* FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_OF_CRAWLER_CLASS c:\Full\Local\Path\To\
Depending on the crawler you are goning to use, the FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_OF_CRAWLER_CLASS is:
- Account Timeline Crawler (REST endpoint):
; - Keyword Crawler (REST endpoint):
; - ID list Crawler (REST endpoint):
; - Keyword Filtered Crawler (STREAMING endpoint):
; - Bounding box Filtered Crawler (STREAMING endpoint):
For each one of the previous crawlers, all the crawling parameters (Twitter credentials' pool, list of users, keywords, bounding boxes, etx.) can be specified by means of the file (/full/local/path/to/
). In what follows, for each Twitter crawler, the format of the related configuration file si described. WIndows users are suggested to use to edit the file.
Example of the configuration file of an Account Timeline Crawler (create a file and copy&paste this content, then customize it by specifying your crawler configuration parameters):
# Pool of credentials to use to crawl (each pool is specified by four properties ending with
# the same number: integer from 1 to 150)
# Credentials of the pool are used in a round robin way.
# - for streaming crawlers it is needed to specify only one pool of credentials
# - for rest crawler, more credential pools are specified, faster is the crawling process
# IMPORTANT: it is possible to specify up to 150 credentials
# REST Cralwer of Twitter - by account timeline
# HOWTO: a new file with all the most recent tweets of the timelines of the users specified is created
# Class:
# - Full path of the txt file to read account IDs from (line format: ACCOUNT NAME <TAB> ACCOUNT_ID_LONG)
# Example:
# bbc 808633423300624384
# arxiv 808633423300624384
# - Full path of the output folder to store crawling results (/full/path/to/output/dir)
# - Storage format: "json" to store one tweet per line as tweet JSON object or "tab" to store one tweet
Example of file with list of Twitter account to crawl (tweetTimeline.fullPathAccountIDs
bbc 808633423300624384
arxiv 808633423300624384
Example of the configuration file of an Keyword Crawler (create a file and copy&paste this content, then customize it by specifying your crawler configuration parameters):
# Pool of credentials to use to crawl (each pool is specified by four properties ending with
# the same number: integer from 1 to 150)
# Credentials of the pool are used in a round robin way.
# - for streaming crawlers it is needed to specify only one pool of credentials
# - for rest crawler, more credential pools are specified, faster is the crawling process
# IMPORTANT: it is possible to specify up to 150 credentials
# REST Cralwer of Twitter - by keyword(s)
# Class:
# - Full path of the txt file to read terms from (one term ID per line)
# - Full path of the output folder to store crawling results
# - Storage format: "json" to store one tweet per line as tweet JSON object or "tab" to store
# one tweet per line as TWEET_ID<TAB>TWEET_TEXT
# - If not empty, it is possible specify a language to retrieve only tweet of a specific language
# (en, es, it, etc.) - if empty all tweet are retrieved, indipendently from their language
# IMPORTANT: The language code may be formatted as ISO 639-1 alpha-2 (en), ISO 639-3 alpha-3 (msa), or ISO 639-1 alpha-2 combined with an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 localization (zh-tw).
Example of file with list of keywords to crawl (tweetKeyword.fullPathKeywordList
Example of the configuration file of an ID list Crawler (create a file and copy&paste this content, then customize it by specifying your crawler configuration parameters):
# Pool of credentials to use to crawl (each pool is specified by four properties ending with
# the same number: integer from 1 to 150)
# Credentials of the pool are used in a round robin way.
# - for streaming crawlers it is needed to specify only one pool of credentials
# - for rest crawler, more credential pools are specified, faster is the crawling process
# IMPORTANT: it is possible to specify up to 150 credentials
# REST Cralwer of Twitter - by list of tweet IDs (tweetID)
# Class:
# - Full path of the txt file to read tweet IDs from (one tweet ID per line)
# - Full path of the output folder to store crawling results
# - Storage format: "json" to store one tweet per line as tweet JSON object or "tab"
# to store one tweet per line as TWEET_ID<TAB>TWEET_TEXT
Example of file with list of tweet IDs to crawl (tweetID.fullPathTweetIDs
Example of the configuration file of an Keyword Filtered Crawler (create a file and copy&paste this content, then customize it by specifying your crawler configuration parameters):
# Pool of credentials to use to crawl
# For streaming crawlers it is needed to specify only one credential!!!
# STREAMING Cralwer of Twitter - retrieves all tweets matching some specific keywords / users
# and/or in some specific language.
# Class: org.backingdata.twitter.crawler.streaming.TwitterSTREAMHashtagCrawler
# - Full path of the txt file to read terms from (one term ID per line)
# - Full path of the txt file to read terms from (line format: ACCOUNT NAME <TAB> ACCOUNT_ID_LONG)
# Example:
# bbc 662708106
# arxiv 1149879325
# - Full path of the output folder to store crawling results
# - Storage format: "json" to store one tweet per line as tweet JSON object or "tab" to store one tweet per line as TWEET_ID<TAB>TWEET_TEXT
# - If not empty, it is possible specify a comma separated language list to retrieve only tweet of a specific
# language (en, es, it, etc.) - if empty all tweet are retrieved, indipendently from their language
# IMPORTANT: The language code may be for