The Worm-Like Chain (WLC) Parameters Estimation Library is a Python package designed for estimating the main parameters of a Worm-Like Chain molecule from force-extension measurements. This library is a valuable tool for researchers and scientists working in biophysics, polymer physics, and related fields.
- Parameter Estimation: Accurately estimate key parameters of a Worm-Like Chain molecule such as contour length, persistance length, etc.
- Flexible: Compatible with a variety of force-extension measurement data.
- Pythonic: Clean and easy-to-use API for seamless integration into your projects.
To install the wlc library and its dependencies, run:
pip install git+
For additional dependencies, please refer to the requirements.txt
Here's a simple example demonstrating how to use the library:
import wlc
# Odijk model
model = wlc.fitting.WormLikeChain(model="odijk")
Odidjk worm-like chain model.
.. math::
d = L_c \left( 1 - \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{k_BT}{FL_p}} + \frac{F}{S}
F : array-like
Required force to extend a worm-like chain. Units: [pN]
kBT : float
Boltzman contant times Temperature. Units: [pN*nm]
Lc : float
Contour length. Units: [nm]
Lp : float
Persistance length. Units: [nm]
S : float
Stretch modulus. Units: [pN]
d : array-like
Distance between end-points. Units: [um]
Odijk, T.
Stiff Chains and Filaments under Tension
Macromolecules 1995 28 (20)
7016-7018 doi: 10.1021/ma00124a044
# Compile model
# Fitting to the data
df =, min_delta=params["min_delta"], max_iters=params["max_iters"], verbose=True)
100%|██████████| 20/20 [00:00<00:00, 2450.66it/s]
# Plot results
# Summary of fitting statistics
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 17
# data points = 1000
# variables = 3
chi-square = 0.02758826
reduced chi-square = 2.7671e-05
Akaike info crit = -10492.1203
Bayesian info crit = -10477.3970
R-squared = 0.99035248
kBT: 4.185289 (fixed)
Lc: 5576.19172 +/- 7.52744519 (0.13%) (init = 5600)
Lp: 60.0419756 +/- 2.27049604 (3.78%) (init = 60.04198)
S: 1073.45093 +/- 56.8841384 (5.30%) (init = 1255)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
C(Lc, Lp) = -0.9964
C(Lc, S) = +0.9906
C(Lp, S) = -0.9765