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  • first time that you log in typpe this user name and password.

    • raspberrypi login: pi
    • Password: raspberry
  • Install python:

    • $ apt-get update
    • $ sudo apt-get install python3-picamera
  • Install PIP:

    • $ sudo apt-get install python-pip
  • Install python control librery.

    • With python packages manager:
      • $ sudo pip install RPi.GPIO
  • Install git in debein:

    • $ sudo apt-get install git-core
  • Intall python-kafka:

    • $ pip install kafka-python
  • Set up wifi

    • Change the file in "/etc/network/interfaces.d" with.

        auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback
        iface eth0 inet manual
        allow-hotplug wlan0
        auto wlan0
        iface wlan0 inet manual
            wpa-ssid "DC"
            wpa-psk "5124223639"
  • Conect remotly to raspberry pi with IP addres.

    • Connect with GitBash

      • Open Git Bahs
      • Type
        • ssh <userName>@<IP> (i.e: ssh pi@
    • Connect with putty (with or withough GUI)

      • Install putty:
      • Enable SSH inside of the raspberry pi:
        • $ sudo raspi-config
        • Select Interfacing Options
        • Navigate to and select SSH
        • Choose Yes
        • Select Ok
      • Get rasberry IP address
      • place this IP addres inside of putty and then press yes.
      • You need to introduce password and Username
    • This option if you have a GUI install.

      • Get the IP address of the raspberry pi
      • Install VNC
      • Then run
        • $ sudo apt-get update
        • $ sudo apt-get install realvnc-vnc-server realvnc-vnc-viewer
        • sudo raspi-config
          • enable VNC Server by doing the following:
            • Navigate to Interfacing Options.
            • Scroll down and select VNC > Yes.
    • If you only want to control the

Importan commands and information:

  • Shoutdown Raspberry:
    • $ sudo shutdown -h now
  • Reboot Raspberry:
    • $ sudo reboot -h now
  • Git IP address:
    • $ hostname -I
  • change Raspberry pi configurations:
    • $ sudo raspi-config
  • Pi information:
    • UserName: deepcast || pi (deepcast doesn't have sudo power, why?)
    • Passwor: ai
    • IP addres:
  • List all the availables port in windows:
    • $ netstat -aon | find /i "listening"
  • List IP in Rasbian:
    • $ sudo arp-scan -l --interface=wlan0
  • List IP in Rasbian:
    • $ netstat -pln


  • How do I give sudo power to deepcast?
  • How do I access Raspberry pi with IP address?
  • How do I set an IP address?
    • /etc/hostname

Important link:

  • Interesting tutorial: Link
  • Setting Raspberry py with ubuntu: Link
    • Note: after unpackages change ".img" for ".iso"
      • Note: in windows unable "file name extentions" to be able to see the extentions.


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