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Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform and AWS

This repository contains Terraform configuration files to create a Kubernetes cluster on AWS. The cluster is provisioned using Terraform, and it leverages AWS services for infrastructure management.

flowchart LR

    subgraph Border
        subgraph AWS["<i class='fab fa-aws' style='font-size:30px;margin-top:5px;color:#FF8C00;'></i>"]
            subgraph RegionUE1["Region (us-east-1)"]
                subgraph VPC["VPC ("]
                    subgraph Subnet["Public Subnet ("]

                        subgraph SecurityGroup["Security Group"]
                            subgraph WorkerNodesCluster["Worker Nodes Cluster"]
                                instance_1["EC2 instance\n("]
                                instance_2["EC2 instance\n("]
                                instance_3["EC2 instance\n("]

                            network_lb["Network Load Balancer\nForward Port\n 433 -> 6433"]

                            network_lb <---> |redirect| instance_1
                            network_lb <---> |redirect| instance_2
                            network_lb <---> |redirect| instance_3

                    RouteTable["<img class='S3Icon' src='' width='70px' height='50px'/><p>Router</p>"]

                    igw["<i class='fas fa-globe' style='font-size:25px;margin-top:5px;color:#007bff;'></i>\nInternet Gateway"]


            iam-role["<img class='S3Icon' src='' width='40px' height='40px'/><p>k8s-nodes-role</p>"]

            s3-bucket["<img class='S3Icon' src='' width='70px' height='70px'/><p>kubernetes-the-hard-way</p><i class='fa fa-folder' aria-hidden='true'> kube-certs/</i><br><i class='fa fa-folder' aria-hidden='true'> ssh-keys/</i>"]

            s3-bucket <---> |s3:GetObject\ns3:ListBucket| iam-role

            Subnet --->|outbound| RouteTable <---> igw
            RouteTable --->|inbound| Subnet 

    Internet["<img class='S3Icon' src='' width='80px' height='80px'/><p>Bad Internet</p>"] 
    igw <---> Internet


    %% Defining Class Styles
    classDef Border fill:#fff,stroke:#fff,stroke-width:4px,color:#fff,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
    classDef AWS fill:transparent,stroke:#FF8C00,stroke-width:2px,color:#000,stroke-dasharray: 8 4;
    classDef S3Icon margin:0px, stroke-width:1px, padding:0px, fill:#aaf0d1, position:absolute, bottom:0px, right:0px, stroke:green, stroke-dasharray: 5 5, rx:5px, ry:5px, color:#004225;

    %% Custom Styles

    %% Assigning Nodes to Classes
    class Border Border;
    class AWS AWS;
    class s3-bucket S3Icon;

Infra-prin Container

The infra-prin container is used in this repository to provide the necessary tools for managing the Kubernetes cluster. It comes pre-installed with kubectl, AWS CLI, and other utilities needed to interact with the cluster.

AWS Authentication

Please note that AWS authentication is performed outside of the infra-prin container. You will need to authenticate with AWS using your preferred method, such as configuring AWS CLI with your access key and secret key.

Once authenticated, the ~/.aws directory is mounted inside the infra-prin container to provide the necessary credentials and tokens for accessing AWS services.

Getting Started

To get started with creating the Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Get authenticated with AWS using your preferal method locally.
  2. Run make run to build and get inside of the infra-prin container.
  3. cd inside the k8s TF folder `cd ./terraform/kubernetes-cluster.
  4. Plan and apply your changes terraform plan.


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