This is an implementation of a video stabilization system using ORB descriptor. The input of the program is a video, and it outputs the stabilized video in the same folder.
The program was written in Python. The libraries used are:
- OpenCV 3.1 (Use these instructions:
- Numpy 1.8.2
- SciPy 0.13.3
- Matplotlib 1.3.1
to run the program simply use:
python [video]
Parameters must be changed manually in
- videoInPath: path of the unstabilized video (optional)
- MATCH_THRES: Matches distance threshold
- BORDER_CUT: Number of pixel to crop in output video
- FILT: filter type (square or Gauss)
- FILT_WIDTH: filter width
- FILT_SIGMA: filter variance (only in Gaussian filter)
- FAST: If true use the fast version of the algorithm
[1] Xu, Jie, et al. "Fast feature-based video stabilization without accumulative global motion estimation." IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 58.3 (2012). []