Note: this is an archival repository for v1.1.9 of the RNA-SeQC quality control software for RNA sequencing data. For the latest version, please see
Java 1.7 is required.
RNA-SeQC provides two distinct functionalities:
- Generation of quality control (QC) metrics.
- Quantification of gene-level expression. This step should be performed using a collapsed transcript annotation (e.g., derived from GENCODE).
The commands for running RNA-SeQC in these two modes are:
# QC metrics
java -Xmx6g -jar RNA-SeQC.jar -n 1000 -s ${sample_id},${bam_file},${notes} -t ${annotation_gtf} -r ${genome_fasta} -o ${output_dir}
# Gene-level expression, based on a collapsed annotation GTF
java -Xmx6g -jar RNA-SeQC.jar -n 1000 -s ${sample_id},${bam_file},${notes} -t ${annotation_gtf} -r ${genome_fasta} -o ${output_dir} -noDoC -strictMode
For additional documentation, see