Welcome to this repository, the following application was built for a code challenge. It was made using React Native CLI.
In order to start the application you will need to run the following commands:
cd CocktailTS
yarn install
npx react-native start
npx react-native run-android // Or run-ios
- Redux, React Redux: To be able the storage of the application state.
- Redux Thunk: It was implemented to allow execute function as actions.
- React Native Navigator: To allow navigating between screens and passing variables.
- React Native Linear Gradient: To provide a handy background gradient component.
- React Native vector Icons: To be able to render icons in the app.
- Lodash: In order to use the debounce method. It was implemented for handling the request while is the user is typing in the search field.
Use the React Native CLI to create the application.Use Redux.Use a loading indicator while api is fetching.Implement some typing library (PropTypes / Flow.js / Typescript)You can use 3rd party libraries, just try not to bloat the app and only pick the ones you consider more important.It is not required to follow the exact design, just try to get a nice UI.Create a Readme with instructions on how to run the application and specify the libraries that you used, and why (briefly). Also explain how the list can be more performant if it has to manage a big amount of data. Please, don’t create more features than we are asking in this document.