Pleasing is an easy-to-use Monogame easing and tweening library. It aims to be as simple as possible while also being flexible enough for any scenario. Unlike other tweening libraries, pleasing includes a tweening timeline which makes it simple to plan multiple tweens on multiple objects.
*The Pleasing logo was created using Pleasing.
- Coming soon.
- Download the repository as a .zip file.
- Extract it somewhere.
- Copy Tweening.cs and Easing.cs into your project.
- Add the namespace to any files using it and you're ready to go!
- Add the namespace:
using Pleasing;
- Get a new timeline:
var timeline = Tweening.NewTimeline(0);
- Add a property to the timeline:
var positionProperty = timeline.AddProperty(Player, "position");
- Add Keyframes:
positionProperty.AddFrame(1000, new Vector2(500, 250), Easing.Cubic.InOut);
- Call Update every frame:
- Watch and enjoy!
Consult the Wiki for more in-depth information and tutorials.
- Frank Norton
Pleasing is under the MIT license (2017). A copy of the license is found in the root of the repository.