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Lovelace card for showing Dump1090 data from FR24 in Home Assistant

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Lovelace FR24 card

A custom card for Home Assistant to list the aircraft found in the Dump1090 output of your ADS-B/Mode S receiver.

Screenshot of FR24 card in action

This card is developed and tested based on the output of data/aircraft.json of the FlightRadar24 Pi24 image.

The FR24 card has many configuration options and supports multiple languages.

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To use the card you need to create a sensor that reads the JSON from Dump1090. Add the following configuration to your sensors.yaml:

- platform: rest
  name: FR24 Aircraft
  resource: http://dump1090-host/dump1090/data/aircraft.json
  value_template: "{{ value_json.messages }}"
  method: GET
  scan_interval: 15
    - now
    - aircraft

Update the key resource in this configuration to the correct URL of your Dump1090 output. The scan_interval of 15 seconds is a suggestion, you can change this in any other value. But keep in mind that a lower interval results in a higher load on your Home Assistant environment.

After adding the sensor you need to restart Home Assistant. After restarting, in the Developer Tools check if the sensor has data.



Install using HACS, or follow these instructions.

Add the card to your dashboard

The card can be added to your dashboard like any other card. If you do not see the card as an option, clear the cache of your browser and try again.

The minimal configuration of the card contains only the entity of the sensor. When using the sensor from the above example, the card can be added with the following configuration:

type: custom:fr24-card
entity: sensor.fr24_aircraft


All options can be added in the configuration of the card, eg:

type: custom:fr24-card
entity: sensor.fr24_aircraft
lang: nl
sort: track

The following configuration options are available:

Option Type Default Accepted Description
attribute string aircraft An attribute of the sensor By default the card will read the aircrafts from the sensors aircraft attribute. If your sensor uses a different attribute, change this value to the name of your attribute.
colors object Used to overwrite the default color scheme of the card. See Colors.
columns array ["flag", "registration", "flight", "altitude", "speed", "distance", "track"] Array with any of the columns, see columns Array containing the columns to show in the table. The data of the other columns is available in the popup, if that is enabled. Too many columns will break your Dashboard, so the card will give a warning if too many columns are added.
hide object Used to configure which data is hidden. See Hide.
lang string null Any supported language, see the lang folder Sets the display language of the data. By default the hass object of your browser will be used to set the language. If that language is not available, English will be used. The registered country is always in English.
larger_units boolean false true, false When using metric units, and this option set to true, the units are converted to km for altitude and distance and km/h for speed.
limit number null A positive integer Used to limit the number of results in the table.
order string asc asc, desc Sort order of the data. Ascending (asc, smallest value first) or descending (desc, largest value first).
popup boolean false true, false Enables or disables the popup. The popup requires both browser_mod and card-mod]. The popup can be opened by clicking on a row and contains more data of the aircraft, including a photo of the aircraft provided by

Example of the popup
sort string altitude Any column, see columns The data in the table is by default sorted on the altitude, with this option you can set a different column, for example flight.
title string null Title of the card.
track_in_text boolean false true, false By default the reported track of the aircraft is displayd in degrees °. With this option set to true the track is displayed in text. When displayed in text, it's an abbreviation in the table and full text in the popup.
units_in_table boolean false true, false When this option is set to true, the table header will be appended with a second row containing the units.

Units in the table header
units string default default, metric Sets the units for the values. The default units are as they are returned by Dump1090 (ft for altitude, NM for distance, kt for speed). When using metric the value and units are converted (m for altitude and distance, m/s for speed).
zone string null Any sensor that is a zone, example zone.home The distance between Home Assistant and the reported position of the aircraft is calculated using the position of a zone. If you don't set a zone the data doesn't have the distance.


By default the card uses the primairy and secondairy colors of the active color scheme. In some cases this might lead to unwanted results. Using the colors object in the configuration of the card it's possible to overwrite the colors of both the table in the card and the popup.

The colors can be added as values that are accepted by CSS: HEX code (which must be enclosed by single quotes), RGB value, named color or a CSS variable. Example:

type: custom:fr24-card
entity: sensor.fr24_aircraft
  table_head_bg: var(--primary-color)
  table_head_text: yellow
  table_units_bg: rgb(187,78,123)
  table_units_text: '#00ff00'

With this option you can really go creative and make the ugliest most original creations. The following options are available:

Key Description
table_head_bg Background color of the table header
table_head_text Text color of the table header
table_units_bg Background color of the row with the units
table_units_text Text color of the row with the units
table_text Default text color for cells
table_even_row_bg Background color for every second row (zebra striping)
table_even_row_text Text color for every second row (zebra striping)
popup_bg Background color of the popup
popup_text Default text color in the popup
popup_table_head_bg Background color of the table header in the popup, if not used this option will fall back on table_head_bg
popup_table_head_text Text color of the table header in the popup, if not used this option will fall back on table_head_text
popup_table_even_row_bg Background color for every second row in the popup (zebra striping), if not used this option will fall back on table_even_row_bg
popup_table_even_row_text Text color for every second row in the popup (zebra striping), if not used this option will fall back on table_even_row_text


The card supports the following columns. Because there are many different formats of output of the Dump1090 (or Tar1090) data, not all columns are arvailable for each installation.

Column Data Comment
age Age of the message
aircraft_type Reported aircraft type Not the same as the category in the JSON. Not available in all installations. See issue #15.
altitude Reported altitude
country Country of registration
distance Calculated distance between the configured zone and the reported position
flag Flag of the country of registration
flight Flight number
icao ICAO code of the aircraft
icon Icon for the aircraft Unique colored based on the hex (icao) of the aircraft. Uses the vertical state of the aircraft for different icons.
registration Registration code of the aircraft The registration of the aircraft is calculated based on the reported ICAO code. However, some of the JSON files contain the registration. If the registration is found in the JSON, this data is used. See issue #15.
speed Reported speed
squawk Squawk code
track Reported track

All of the columns, except for icon are shown in the popup.


With this object it's possible to set the configuration of the data that is hidden. Data must be added as an object in the yaml configuration. Example:

type: custom:fr24-card
entity: sensor.fr24_aircraft
  old_messages: false

The following keys are available in the object:

Option Type Default Accepted Description
old_messages boolean true true, false By default aircraft data which is received more than 30 seconds ago will be filtered out of the card. Setting this option to false will show all aircraft data that is available in the JSON file.
empty array Array with columns, see examples By default, all aircraft are shown, including empty values in the table. With this option it is possible to set the columns that should not be empty. The array acts as an 'or' selector; if one of the columns has an empty value, the plane is not added to the table. This option is especially useful in combination with sort and order.

Hide empty values

With the option hide.empty it's possible to remove empty values from the table.

Example to remove all rows where there is no distance:

type: custom:fr24-card
entity: sensor.fr24_aircraft
    - distance

Example to remove all rows where there is no distance or track:

type: custom:fr24-card
entity: sensor.fr24_aircraft
    - distance
    - track


Please read our F.A.Q. before opening an issue.


You can help improving this card by forking this repository and merging your changes with a pull request to the develop branch of this repository.

This applies not only to additions and improvements to the code, but certainly also to new languages.

I am particularly interested in improvements to the registration code database. For more information about the database, click here.


Honor where credit is due. This card could not have been made without consulting the following sources: