The path planner used by frc2468, frc2687, and frc2689
# If you have access to the frc2468 gitlab instance
git clone
# And if you don't
git clone ssh://
Then just open Trajectory.lvproj
and run Trajectory
- NI_AAL_Geometry
- NI_AALBase
- NI_Data Type
- NI_FileType
- NI_LVConfig
- NI_Matrix
- NI_PackedLibraryUtility
- NI_PID__prctrl compat
- NI_PID_pid
- NI_PtbyPt
- NI_Vision_Development_Module
- Code documentation/cleanup
- Change/clean drawing trajectories
- Legend for path colors on front panel
- Multi-select for path visualization
- Seperation of velocity profile generation from path generation