A telegram chatbot to manage a shared house chores
Fork the repository and set an env variable as :
"open_ai_key": "sk-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"bot_token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"global_chat_id": "999999999999",
"flatmates": [
{"name": "John", "chat_id": "1234567890" },
{"name": "Thomas", "chat_id": "1234567891"},
{"name": "Philipp", "chat_id": "1234567892"},
using these parameters:
bot_token is your telegram bot token
global_chat_id is the telegram group chat where the bot writes for all flatmates
flatmates is the list of your flatmates and chat_it fits a chat only targeted for a specific flatmate
if a config.json
file was given to you then simply
export GSTALDERCONFIG=`cat config.json`
and then run with
python3 main.py
An instance of this project runs on an AWS cloud using:
This project is trying to use the Test Driven Development approach. So, in order to run the tests, use:
tox -e py