Once the program has halted, its output is available at address 0, also just like before. Each time you try a pair of inputs, make sure you first reset the computer’s memory to the values in the program (your puzzle input) - in other words, don’t reuse memory from a previous attempt.
Find the input noun and verb that cause the program to produce the output 19690720. What is 100 * noun + verb? (For example, if noun=12 and verb=2, the answer would be 1202.)
Programs that use these instructions will come with documentation that explains what should be connected to the input and output.
DE - two-digit opcode, 02 == opcode 2
C - mode of 1st parameter, 0 == position mode
B - mode of 2nd parameter, 1 == immediate mode
A - mode of 3rd parameter, 0 == position mode,
omitted due to being a leading zero