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7. Appendix

Netcore Information (ncInfo) Object

  • Properties

    Property Type Description
    name String Netcore name
    enabled Boolean Is this netcore enabled?
    protocol Object Network protocol of this netcore.
    startTime Number Start time of this netcore. (UNIX time in secs)
    traffic Object Accumulated inbound and outbound data since netcore started. { in: { hits: 6, bytes: 24 }, out: { hits: 3, bytes: 30 } } (unit: bytes)
    numDevs Number Number of devices managed by this netcore
    numGads Number Number of gadgets managed by this netcore
  • Example

        name: 'zigbee-core',
        enabled: true,
        protocol: {              // required
            phy: 'ieee802.15.4', // required, physical layer
            dll: '',             // optional, data link layer
            nwk: 'zigbee',       // required, network layer
            tl: '',              // optional, transportation layer
            sl: '',              // optional, session layer
            pl: '',              // optional, presentation layer
            apl: 'zcl',          // optional, application layer
        startTime: 1458008208,
        defaultJoinTime: 180,
        traffic: {
            in: {
                hits: 6,
                bytes: 24
            out: {
                hits: 3,
                bytes: 30
        numDevs: 32,
        numGads: 46

Device Information (devInfo) Object

  • Properties

    Property Type Description
    id Number Device id
    netcore String Name of the netcore that holds this device
    gads Number[] A list of gadget ids that this device owns
    net Object Network information of the device.
    props Object Meta-properties of the device. This is for client users to set something to the device
    attrs Object Attributes of the device. This is attributes of the remote device.
    • net object
    Property Type Description
    enabled Boolean Is this device enabled?
    joinTime Number Device join time. UNIX time in secs
    timestamp Number Device last activity. UNIX time in secs
    role String Device role. Depends on protocol, i.e., 'peripheral' for BLE devices, 'router' for zigbee devices
    parent String Parent device permanent address. It is string '0' if device parent is its netcore
    status String Device status, can be 'online', 'sleep', 'offline', or 'unknown'
    address Object Device permanent and dynamic addresses. { permanent: '00:0c:29:ff:ed:7c', dynamic: '' }
    traffic Object Accumulated inbound and outbound data since device joined. { in: { hits: 6, bytes: 24 }, out: { hits: 3, bytes: 30 } } (unit: bytes)

    • props object
    Property Type Description
    name String Device name. This is not on the remote device and can be set by end-users.
    description String Device description. This is not on the remote device and can be set by end-users.
    location String Device location. This is not on the remote device and can be set by end-users.
    others Any Anything end-users like to set to device props by setProps API.

    • attrs object
    Property Type Description
    manufacturer String Manufacturer name
    model String Model name
    version Object Version tags. { hw: '', sw: 'v1.2.2', fw: 'v0.0.8' }
    power Object Power source. { type: 'battery', voltage: '5V' }. The type can be 'line', 'battery' or 'harvester'
  • Example

        id: 6,
        netcore: 'mqtt-core',
        gads: [ 116, 117 ],
        net: {
            enabled: true,
            joinTime: 1458008208,
            timestamp: 1458008617,
            role: 'client',         // depends on protocol
            parent: '0',            // parent is the netcore
            status: 'online'
            address: {
                permanent: '00:0c:29:ff:ed:7c',
                dynamic: ''
            traffic: {              // accumulated data since device joined
                in: {
                    hits: 6,
                    bytes: 72
                out: {
                    hits: 12,
                    bytes: 96
        props: {    // props: name, description, and location are writable and can be modified by users
            name: 'sample_device',
            description: 'This is a device example',
            location: 'balcony'
        attrs: {
            manufacturer: 'freebird',
            model: 'lwmqn-7688-duo',
            serial: 'lwmqn-2016-03-15-01',
            version: {
                hw: 'v1.2.0',
                sw: 'v0.8.4',
                fw: 'v2.0.0'
            power: {
                type: 'line',
                voltage: '5V'

Gadget Information (gadInfo) Object

  • Properties

    Property Type Description
    id Number Gadget id
    netcore String Name of the netcore that holds this gadget
    dev Object Id and permanent address of which device owns this gadget. { id: 3, permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89' }
    auxId String The auxiliary id to identify the gadget on a device
    panel Object Basic information about the gadget. { enabled: true, profile: 'home', classId: 'temperature' }
    props Object Meta-properties of this gadget. This is for client users to set something to the gadget
    attrs Object Attributes of this gadget

    • panel object
    Property Type Description
    enabled Boolean Is this gadget enabled?
    profile String Optional. The profile defines the application environment, may mot be given.
    classId String The classId defines what application the gadget is. The gadget class to denote its application, i.e. 'illuminance', 'temperature', 'lightCtrl'

    • props object
    Property Type Description
    name String Gadget name. This is not on the remote device and can be set by end-users.
    description String Gadget description. This is not on the remote device and can be set by end-users.
    others Any Anything end-users like to set to gadget props by setProps API.

    • attrs object
    Property Type Description
    Depends Any The gadget attributes that could be read, written, or excuted on the remote device.
  • Example

        id: 308,
        netcore: 'zb-core',
        dev: {
            id: 26,
            permAddr: '0x00124b0001ce4b89'
        panel: {
            enabled: true,
            profile: 'home_automation', // it will be an empty string '' if no profile given
            classId: 'lightCtrl'
        props: {    // props: name and description writable and can be modified by end-users
            name: 'sampleLight',
            description: 'This is a simple light controller'
        attrs: {
            onOff: 1,
            dimmer: 80

Attribute Report Configuration (rptCfg) Object

  • Properties

    Property Type Mandatory Description
    pmin Number optional Minimum Period. Minimum time in seconds the gadget should wait from the time when sending the last notification to the time when sending a new notification.
    pmax Number optional Maximum Period. Maximum time in seconds the gadget should wait from the time when sending the last notification to the time sending the next notification (regardless if the value has changed).
    gt Number optional Greater Than. The gadget should notify its attribute when the value is greater than this setting. Only valid for the attribute typed as a number.
    lt Number optional Less Than. The gadget should notify its attribute when the value is smaller than this setting. Only valid for the attribute typed as a number.
    step Number optional Step. The gadget should notify its value when the change of the attribute value, since the last report happened, is greater than this setting.
    enable Boolean required It is set to true for the gadget to start reporting an attribute. Set to false to stop reporting.
  • Example

    // start reporting with the following settings
        pmin: 10,
        pmax: 60,
        lt: 120
        gt: 260
        enable: true
    // the time chart of reporting: (O: report triggered, xxxxx: pmin, -----: pmax)
    //       O             O     O             O     O             O     O             O
    // |xxxxx|-------------|xxxxx|-------------|xxxxx|-------------|xxxxx|-------------|
    // 0s   10s           70s   80s           140s 150s           210s  220s          280s
    //  <10s> <    60s    >
    // note:
    //     1. only in |---------| duration, any change meets lt or gt condition will be reported
    //     2. In this example, the attribute will be reported when its value is greater than 260 or is less than 120
    // start periodical reporting
        pmin: 0,
        pmax: 30,
        enable: true
    // the time chart of reporting: (O: report triggered, xxxxx: pmin, -----: pmax)
    // O             O             O             O             O             0
    // |-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|-------------|
    // 0s           30s           60s           90s          120s          150s
    // note:
    //     1. In this example, the attribute will be reported every 30 seconds
    // set but not start reporting
        gt: 50
        enable: false
    // start reporting with the current settings
        enable: true
    // stop reporting
        enable: false

Gadget Classes

Freebird framework uses the classId property on a gadget to define its application. The classes are Smart Object Identfiers defined by IPSO SmartObject Guideline(Smart Objects Starter Pack1.0). Here is the table of Object ids from lwm2m-id library.

Class Id Description
'dIn' Digital Input
'dOut' Digital Output
'aIn' Analogue Input
'aOut' Analogue Output
'generic' Generic Sensor
'illuminance' Illuminance Sensor
'presence' Presence Sensor
'temperature' Temperature Sensor
'humidity' Humidity Sensor
'pwrMea' Power Measurement
'actuation' Actuation
'setPoint' Set Point
'loadCtrl' Load Control
'lightCtrl' Light Control
'pwrCtrl' Power Control
'accelerometer' Accelerometer
'magnetometer' Magnetometer
'barometer' Barometer
'voltage' Voltage
'current' Current
'frequency' Frequency
'depth' Depth
'percentage' Percentage
'altitude' Altitude
'load' Load
'pressure' Pressure
'loudness' Loudness
'concentration' Concentration
'acidity' Acidity
'conductivity' Conductivity
'power' Power
'powerFactor' Power Factor
'distance' Distance
'energy' Energy
'direction' Direction
'time' Time
'gyrometer' Gyrometer
'colour' Colour
'gpsLocation' GPS Location
'positioner' Positioner
'buzzer' Buzzer
'audioClip' Audio Clip
'timer' Timer
'addressableTextDisplay' Addressable Text Display
'onOffSwitch' On/Off Switch
'levelControl' Level Controller
'upDownControl' Up/Down Controller
'multipleAxisJoystick' Multiple Axis Joystick
'rate' Rate
'pushButton' Push Button
'multistateSelector' Multi-state Selector

Response Status Code

Code Description
200 OK
201 Created
202 Deleted
204 Changed
205 Content
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
408 Timeout
409 Conflict
500 Internal Server Error