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Combi is a simple tool that consumes, update and merge diferents configurations in different formats to generate a final usable configuration and performs some defined actions at the end of the process.


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COMBI (Config Combinator)

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Combi is a simple tool that consumes, update and merge diferents configurations in different formats to generate a final usable configuration and performs some defined actions at the end of the process. This tool consumes its own configuration from a source (like a file in a git repository), and perform a merge with the patches defined in that configuration in a local configuration file with the same format as the patches (libconfig, yaml, json, etc).


Many services used daily in the industry receive their configuration mostly from a file with a specific format (yaml, json, libconfig, etc.), and many of these services play a critical role, so downtime has to be minimal. or, if possible, it should be none.

For this reason, many of these services have functionalities to collect the updated configuration again without stopping its execution. Thanks to these functionalities, the configuration can be modified and applied without practically any downtime, but the problem appears, as always, when you have a multitude of instances of that service, with different configurations, in different environments.

The idea is to avoid restarting the service and easily update the configuration, so some problems arise here:

  • In a container environment you do't want to rotate them so as not to generate downtime and lost requests, even if it is minimal and you can control it more or less with a rotation strategy.
  • And whether with containers or vms, if you want to avoid the restart, you will have to modify the specific configuration they have, enter each of the instances to update it, and execute the functionality that refreshes the configuration.
  • If you have different configurations of the same service in different instances, those configurations will often be splitted in different repositories, or if it is mono-repo, they will be splitted in different parts of the repository, or in different files.

It may also be the case that you want 2 parts of the same config separated from each other, and different teams modify one of these parts separately, one of the two configurations will be the base config, with optional fields, and the other it will be a chore config, with mandatory fields, and you want performing a merge of the configurations with precedence of the chore configuration.

Thinking about these problems and possible solutions, we have decided to create this tool, which is not only capable of centralizing the different configurations of the same format, but is also capable of performing checks on the final configuration and executing the commands necessary to refresh the configuration.


Name Command Default Description
log-level daemon info Verbosity level for logs
tmp-dir daemon /tmp/combi Temporary directoty to store temporary objects like remote repos, scripts, etc
sync-time daemon 15s Waiting time between source synchronizations (in duration type)

How to use

This project provides the binary files and container image in differents architectures to make it easy to use wherever wanted.


Current configuration version: v1alpha2

Root Parameters

Name Default Description
kind "" type of the configuration files to manage. The possible values ​​of this field can be found in the supported configuration formats section

Global Parameters

Name Default Description
config.source "" source with the configuration to merge in the mergedConfig file
global.conditions.mandatory [] list of mandatory conditions that mergedConfig have to achive
global.conditions.optional [] list of optional conditions that mergedConfig have to check
global.actions.onSuccess [] list of actions that combi has to execute in case of mandatory conditions success
global.actions.onFailure [] list of actions that combi has to execute in case of mandatory conditions fail

Configs Parameters

Name Default Description
config.mergedConfig "" filepath to create the configuration file after the merge and conditions
config.source "" source with the configuration to merge in the mergedConfig file
config.conditions.mandatory [] list of mandatory conditions that mergedConfig have to achive
config.conditions.optional [] list of optional conditions that mergedConfig have to check
config.actions.onSuccess [] list of actions that combi has to execute in case of mandatory conditions success
config.actions.onFailure [] list of actions that combi has to execute in case of mandatory conditions fail

Condition List Item Parameters

Name Default Description
name "" name of the current condition to evaluate
template "" golang template to compile and extract some config value to compare with condition value
value "" value to compare with the result of template

Action List Item Parameters

Name Default Description
name "" name of the current action to execute
command [] string list with the command and his argument to execute
script "" string with a script that combi generate to execute


The list of actions are commands that are executed on the machine after checking the conditions. Please be careful.


You can consume the configuration from different sources.

Name Description
config.source.type type of the source to define where consume the configuration (raw, filepath, git y kubernetes)
config.source.raw direct configuration string to merge
config.source.filepath file with the configuration to merge
config.source.git git repository to find the file with the configuration to merge
config.source.git.sshUrl ssh url of the git repository
config.source.git.sshKeyFilepath ssh private key file to use in git clone
config.source.git.branch branch of the git repository
config.source.git.filepath filepath inside of repository of the config file
config.source.kubernetes kubernetes resource ConfigMap or Secret with the configuration to merge
config.source.kubernetes.kind kind of the resource (ConfigMap or Secret)
config.source.kubernetes.namespace namespace of the resource name of the resource
config.source.kubernetes.key key inside of the resource to find the configuration to merge

How does it work?

Synchronization flow diagram:

               │             │                                   
 ┌────┬────┬───►  sync time  │                                   
 │    │    │   │             │                                   
 │    │    │   └──────┬──────┘                                   
 │    │    │          │                                          
 │    │    │  ┌───────▼───────┐    ┌──────────┐                  
 │    │    │  │               │    │          │  │local file     
 │    │    no │  get  config  ◄────┤  source  ├─►│git repo       
 │    │    │  │               │    │          │  │...            
 │    │    │  └───────┬───────┘    └──────────┘                  
 │    │    │          │                                          
 │    │    │    ┌─────▼─────┐                                    
 │    │    │    │           │                                    
 │    │    └────┤  update?  │                                    
 │    │         │           │                                    
 │    │         └─────┬─────┘                                    
 │    │               │                                          
 │    │              yes                                         
 │    │               │                                          
 │    │      ┌────────▼────────┐                                 
 │    │      │                 │                                 
 │    │      │  decode config  ◄─────────────┐                   
 │    │      │                 │             │                   
 │    │      └────────┬────────┘             │                   
 │    │               │                      │                   
 │    │      ┌────────▼────────┐             │                   
 │    │      │                 │             │                   
 │    │      │  merge configs  │             │                   
 │    │      │                 │       ┌─────┴─────┐  │libconfig 
 │    │      └────────┬────────┘       │           │  │nginx conf
 │    │               │                │  encoder  ├─►│json      
 │    │    ┌──────────▼──────────┐     │           │  │yaml      
 │    │    │                     │     └─────┬─────┘  │...       
 │    │    │  check  conditions  │           │                   
 │    │    │                     │           │                   
 │    │    └──────────┬──────────┘           │                   
 │    │               │                      │                   
 │    │     ┌─────────┴─────────┐            │                   
 │    │     │                   │            │                   
 │ ┌──┴─────▼────────┐ ┌────────▼─────────┐  │                   
 │ │                 │ │                  │  │                   
 │ │  fail acttions  │ │  encode  config  ◄──┘                   
 │ │                 │ │                  │                      
 │ └─────────────────┘ └────────┬─────────┘                      
 │                              │                                
┌┴───────────────────┐ ┌────────▼─────────┐                      
│                    │ │                  │                      
│  success acttions  ◄─┤  update  config  │                      
│                    │ │                  │                      
└────────────────────┘ └──────────────────┘                      


To consume a configuration in a git repository (with specific branch) and merge in a local config with libconfig format:

combi daemon \
    --sync-time=20s \
    --tmp-dir=/tmp/combi \

The combi config.yaml:

# combi configuration file
kind: libconfig
    type: raw
    raw: |


    mandatory: []
    optional: []
    onSuccess: []
    onFailure: []
  mergedConfig: ./path/to/merged/libconfig.cnf
    type: raw
    raw: |

      mysql_servers =
        { address="" , port=3306 , hostgroup=0 , max_connections=1000, weight=1 },
        { address="" , port=3306 , hostgroup=1 , max_connections=1000, weight=1 },
        { username = "writer" , password = "pass" , default_hostgroup = 0 , active = 1 },
        { username = "reader" , password = "pass" , default_hostgroup = 1 , active = 1 },

    - name: "search primitive value to check condition"
      template: |
        {{- $config := . -}}
        {{- printf "%s" $config.int64field -}}
      value: "500L"
    - name: "search group value to check condition"
      template: |
        {{- $config := . -}}
        {{- printf "%s" $config.mysql_variables.threads -}}
      value: "2"
    - name: "search list value to check condition"
      template: |
        {{- $config := . -}}
          {{- range $i, $v := $config.mysql_servers -}}
              {{- if (eq $v.hostgroup "0" ) -}}
                {{- printf "%s" $v.max_connections -}}
              {{- end -}}
          {{- end -}}
      value: "1000"
    - name: "search env variable to check condition"
      template: |
        {{- printf "%s" (env "MANDATORY_ENV_VAR") -}}
      value: "true"
    optional: []

    - name: "execute success message config action"
      - echo
      - -e
      - "success in config for you\n"
    - name: "execute success message config action"
      - echo
      - -e
      - "fail in config for you\n"

Supported configuration formats

Format Status

How to collaborate

We are open to external collaborations for this project: improvements, bugfixes, whatever.

For doing it, open an issue to discuss the need of the changes, then:

  • Fork the repository
  • Make your changes to the code
  • Open a PR and wait for review


Combi is a simple tool that consumes, update and merge diferents configurations in different formats to generate a final usable configuration and performs some defined actions at the end of the process.





