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Gommitizen is a command-line tool that helps manage the versioning of a software project. This tool is able to manage serveral projects in a same repository with their different versions each.

The tool analyzes commit messages in a Git repository, looking for certain prefixes in the messages to determine the type of changes made. The prefixes include "BREAKING CHANGE:", "feat:", and "fix:", between others, which likely refer to breaking changes, new features, and bug fixes, respectively.

Version information is stored in a VersionData structure, which includes the current version, the current commit, and a list of version files. This information can be used to generate a changelog, determine the next version of the software, or perform other tasks related to version management.


To compile the project, run the following command:

make build

This will generate a binary in the bin/ directory.


You can build a Docker image of Gommitizen with the following command:

make docker

After building the image, you can run it with:

docker run -it gommitizen:<tag> help

Replace <tag> with the tag of the image you have built.


To install Gommitizen in your $GOPATH, first build the project with make build, then run:

make install

TODO: Hombrew install

Code Analysis with SonarQube

To start a code analysis with SonarQube, run:

make scan

Make sure to have SonarQube running before starting the analysis.

There is another way to start a code analysis with SonarQube, run the target start-sonar in the Makefile.

If you want to stop the SonarQube server, run the target stop-sonar in the Makefile.


To run the tests, run:

make test

There is an alias to run the tests with tests.


To run the tests with coverage, run:

make coverage


If you want to regenerate the mocks, run:

make mocks


To use Gommitizen, run:

gommitizen <command> [flags]


The following commands are available:

  • bump: Bumps the version of a project.
  • completion: Generates the completion script for the specified shell.
  • help: Shows the help message.
  • init: Initializes the versioning of a project.

Global flags

The following flags are available for all commands:

  • -h or --help: Shows the help message.
  • -t or --toggle: Help message for toggle.

Init flags

The following flags are available for the init command:

  • -d or --directory: The directory where the project is located. If not specified, the current directory is used.
  • -p or --prefix: The prefix of the tag message. If not specified, an empty prefix is used.

Bump flags

The following flags are available for the bump command:

  • -d or --directory: The directory where the project is located. If not specified, it scans all the directories in the current directory to look for projects with a .version file.
  • -c or --changelog: It generates a changelog with the changes made since the last version.
  • -i or --increment: The type of increment to make. It can be major, minor, or patch. If it is specified the automatic detection of version is not run.


To run Gommitizen in a Docker container, run:

docker run \
  -v <directory>:/code \
  gommitizen:<tag> <command> [flags]

Replace <tag> with the tag of the image you want to use. Replace <directory> with the directory where the project is located. Select the command and flags you want to use.



To initialize the versioning of a project, run:

gommitizen init -d <directory> -p <prefix>

This will create a .version.json file in the given directory with the version 0.0.0.


To bump the version of a project, run:

gommitizen bump

This will bump the version of all projects in the current directory.

If you want to bump the version of a specific project, run:

gommitizen bump -d <directory>

This will bump the version of the project in the given directory.

if you want to bump the version of projects and generate a changelog, run:

gommitizen bump -c

This will bump the version of the projects and generate a changelog with the changes made since the last version.

If you want to bump the version of project to a major version, run:

gommitizen bump -i major

Types of commits

There are two types of commits: version commits and regular commits. Version commits are those that change the version of the software, while regular commits are those that do not change the version.

Those that change the version of the software are those that have a commit message with a prefix that indicates the type of change. The prefixes are the following:

  • BREAKING CHANGE: or bc: Indicates a breaking change in the software.
  • feat:: Indicates a new feature in the software.
  • fix:: Indicates a bug fix in the software.

Those that do not change the version of the software are those that have a commit message with a prefix that indicates the type of change. The prefixes are the following:

  • perf:: Indicates a performance improvement in the software.
  • refactor:: Indicates a code refactoring in the software.
  • docs:: Indicates a documentation change in the software.
  • test:: Indicates a test change in the software.
  • chore:: Indicates a change in the build process or auxiliary tools in the software.
  • ci:: Indicates a change in the CI configuration files and scripts in the software.
  • style:: Indicates a change in the style of the code in the software.

Version files structure

Each project in the monorepo has a .version.json file that contains the version of the software.

The version files are structured as follows:

    "version": "0.18.1",
    "commit": "72929b90547b8527e22e402b6784e0c7f5812428",
    "version_files": [
    "prefix": ""

The version field contains the current version of the software. The commit field contains the commit where the version was changed. The version_files field contains the list of files that contain the version of the software and the bump process will upgrade too. The prefix field contains the prefix of the tag message that changed the version of the software.

The version and commit fields are managed by Gommitizen. The version_files and prefix fields are managed by the user.

version_files is a list of strings. Each string contains the path of the file and the name of the variable that contains the version. The path and the name of the variable are separated by a colon (:). The path is relative to the root of the project. Tha name of the variable can be replace by a regular expression to find the version in the file (remember to scape the special characters and group the version part of the expression with parentheses like in the example).