- Any flavor of PHP 5.4 or above should do
- PHP extension : Fileinfo, GD, Exif
- [optional] PHPUnit 3.5+ to execute the test suite (phpunit --version)
- Silex : PHP micro-framework based on the Symfony2 Components
- Twig : template engine for PHP
- Swiftmailer : PHP mailer
- php-markdown : PHP Markdown parser
- php-smartypants : PHP implementation of SmartyPants
For more, see composer.json file.
- Bootstrap : front-end web framework
- Font-Awesome : iconic font designed for Bootstrap
- jQuery and plugins :
- Lightbox 2
- jQuery File Upload : file upload widget
- Elastic : auto grows textareas
- ShiftCheckbox : handle a "select all" widget + selecting ranges of checkboxes via Shift+Click
- Leaflet and plugins :
Mathieu Poisbeau - freepius44@gmail.com
anarchos semitas - voyage is licensed under the CC0 1.0 Universal -- see the LICENSE
file for details.
- BUG related to Http cache : on production server, switch locale doesn't change the locale (without to do a Ctrl+F5). See the diff in Http cache config for Apache2.
- BUG on IE 9 : problem to refresh captcha (eg: on contact page)
- BUG on IE 8 : very bad displaying of pages (html5 not recognized ?)
- displaying BUG : in Afrikapié and "3000 km" pages, the text "Voir toutes les photos" is too much on the right side
- Home page :
- Add a block summarizing the news of the last 7 days
- Blog :
- Creation/Updating -> Add a "help box" for RichText
- Reading -> Add a box containing related articles/contents
- Write RichText macros to easily include a media
- Make RSS
- Make a translation table for tags
- Add a test suite (unit and functional) !
- Main map : multiple tile layers (only one is displayed depending on zoom) http://moonlite.github.io/Leaflet.MultiTileLayer/
- Main map : possibility to "fullscreen" the map
- Register :
- make a real creation/updating page
- make a page to overview the last register entries
- Media :
- Date filter : add a link to filter the elements without date
- Redesign the multi-locales system
- Improve the README.md (dependencies & co)
- HttpCache:
- Blog articles => cache the generated HTML from RichText
- Use https certificate for admin pages
- Locale depending on :
- user preferences (the 'Accept-Languages' HTTP header)
- geo-localization