This project is done and won't be changed any furture. It is the project that four UIUC MCS-DS CS498 CCA in Spring 2019 students have been working together as class' final project and report.
- Wonhee Jung ( - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Kevin Mackie ( - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Cindy Tseng ( - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Conrad Harley ( - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
You can find final project report if you want to check. The project is fully functional and running on Google Cloud Platform's GKE(Google Kubernetes Engine) cluster, but submitting the running the demo version of app isn't required and since GCP has been charing for the project build and deployhing the app to the clusters, etc, we are not going to run the demo app.
However, you'll be able to find relevant wiki docs here if you want to try it by yourself.
Detox_bot2 is the project for UIUC MCS-DS CS498 Cloud Computing Applcations project, upgrading and expending the previous detox_bot project to use more Cloud/distributed solutions that CS498 CCA class in Spring 2019 covers.
Pleae read the original project's README file to have some understanding for what is it and what we can improve.
A few items that I think we can improve. Added words with bold at the end of each item that I think it's related to CCA topics.
- Since it's already dockerized, maybe run it somewhere in AWS(maybe Amazon ECS?) AWS, ECS, Docker, Virtualization
- It has classifier + web chat ( or classifier + Twitch TV ChatBot ) combined togehter in the project. We could break it down and make it as separate project/docker module. Docker, Virtualization
- The project is dockerized, so we could make it Kunbernetes Pod and deploy on the Kubernetes Cluster for easy scale out. Kubernetes, Docker, Virtualization
- The project create a trained model and use it for toxic chat prediction. Unfortunately, as training data set goes bigger and bigger, so does this trined model. For best performance, we need to serialize it and store in the file( or any persistent layer ), so that next time when app is running we just need to load it to the memory, no need to worry about re-training. We could use HDFS instead of local filesystem in the instance? HDFS, AWS EBS, Big Data
- Related to above one. The project uses Python's scikit-learn for training. Probably we can upgrade it to use Spark(PySpark or with Scala) so that it's much faster and cloud-ready? Spark, Big Data, RDD
- The project has simple Python based Flask-websocket based webchat app. It has ugly UI design and so does functionality since I just created it in an hour by copying existing Flask-websocket example from web search and modified a bit. We could improve this webchat app ( or even just replace it with something existing and customizable ) so our app look better and great. Websocket, REST, HTTP, RPC
Please read for project branching strategy.