This is a 1337 school project, all functions except malloc/free/read/write are prohibited by the school and flagged as a cheat, this library allows me to use functions like ft_memcpy or ft_printf.
make to compile the library
make clean to delet the object files
make fclean to delet the object files and the library file
make re to recompile
##-included fonctions
- memset
- bzero
- memcpy
- memccpy
- memmove
- memchr
- memcmp
- strlen
- strdup
- strcpy
- strncpy
- strcat
- strncat
- strlcat
- strchr
- strrchr
- strstr
- strnstr
- strcmp
- strncmp
- atoi
- isalpha
- isdigit
- isalnum
- isascii
- isprint
- toupper
- tolower
##-Additional functions