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Log Data Visualization Collab

akshay31057 edited this page Jul 2, 2017 · 1 revision


  • This sub-module facilitates the administrator to view a list of top 10 viewed articles along with their corresponding tags or a particular user in a tabular format.
  • This feature has been implemented to facilitate the development of recommendation system by the collaborating communities project.
  • This sub-module provides a function that acts as an interface for the collaborating communities project to access the desired information.
  • There is one dependency for the log_data_visualization_article module:


  • A new sub-module named log_data_visualization_collab is added. The .module file implements the desired action using hook api functions namely, hook_menu and hook_permission.
  • Details about this functions can be found at :
  • Besides the above hook api functions, some user defined functions in the sub-module are:
    • log_data_visualization_collab_admin_form: This function creates a text field and a button(using form api) which on clicked executes log_data_visualization_collab_select.
    • log_data_visualization_collab_select: This function redirects the user to the desired page using drupal_goto() and the data(username) for this page is passed as an argument.
    • log_data_visualization_collab_view: By executing an SQL query, appropriate data is fetched from the database and shown to the user in a tabular format.