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List of Features

Firuza Aibara edited this page Nov 17, 2021 · 14 revisions

eSim on Cloud

  • Schematic editor
    • Create and save
    • Maintain versions on each save. Create variations
    • Drag and drop components and connect them
    • Set parameters/values for each component
    • Use additional available libraries
    • Upload libraries (.lib & .dcm) and use it's components
    • ERC Check
    • Generate netlist
    • Simulate
      • DC Solver
      • DC Sweep
      • Transient Analysis
      • AC Analysis
      • Transfer function analysis
      • Noise analysis
    • Compare simulation results of the same type
    • Export circuit
      • .json
      • .svg
      • .png
      • .jpg
    • Import circuit
      • .json
      • kicad v5
    • Share circuit
    • Add/Remove favourite components
    • Print circuit
    • Change paper size (A1 to A5)
    • Change layout (portrait, landscape)
    • Other editor features
      • Undo, Redo
      • Rotate component
      • Zoom in/out
      • Delete component
  • Gallery
    • View and simulate
    • Add/Delete circuit to/from gallery (eSim Staff)
  • Simulator: Write netlist and simulate
  • Error handling while simulating (circuit/netlist)
  • Projects
    • Create
    • Publish using a reviewing workflow
    • Reporting mechanism
  • LTI
  • Dashboard
    • Schematics
    • Projects
    • LTI Apps
  • Simulation statistics
    • Set max simulation time limit
    • Run time statistics (Execution time Vs number of simulations)
  • Login/Logout affects other opened tabs

Arduino on Cloud

  • Schematic editor
    • Create and save (temporary, cloud)
    • Maintain versions on each save. Create variations
    • Drag and drop components and connect them
      • General: Resistor, breadboard
      • Controller: Arduino UNO
      • Output: Buzzer, LED, Motor, RGB LED, Servo motor, Seven segment display, LCD 16x2
      • Input: Push button, Ultrasonic distance sensor, PIR sensor, Slid switch, Gas sensor MQ2, Temperature sensor TMP36, Potentiometer, Photo resistor, Thermistor
      • Sources: 9V batter, Coin cell 3V
      • Drivers: Motor driver L298N, L293D
      • Miscellaneous: Relay module, label
    • Write code (.ino)
    • Simulate
    • View component list
    • Auto arrange wires
    • Export circuit
      • .json
      • .svg
      • .png
      • .jpg
    • Import circuit
      • .json
    • Share circuit
    • Other editor features
      • Undo, Redo
      • Zoom in/out
  • Gallery
    • View and simulate
    • Add/Delete circuit to/from gallery (Arduino Staff)
  • Dashboard
    • Schematics
    • LTI Apps
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