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Implementation Basic Widget in Flutter

This is my summary of the basics of widgets in Flutter there are more or less notes in it in the hope that those of you who read can understand a little more about using the basic and main widgets in Flutter

Tech Stack



  • Implementation basic-basic widget in flutter
  • Build in with Getx
  • Implementation intl package for converting Date and Time to human-readable data
  • Implementation render AssetImage and NetworkImage
  • Implementation form validation
  • Implementation navigation between pages
  • Implementation various dialog widget and much more.

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd flutter_basic_ui

Install getx cli globally

  pub global activate get_cli

see full implementation:

Install dependencies

  • using flutter cli and vscode
  flutter pub get

Run without debug

  • Windows user
  ctrl + f5


App Screenshot

