A base project for a node webkit app, build with grunt-node-webkit-builder
Included libaries
- Backbone
- jQuery
- Underscore
- Marionette
You will need nodejs and grunt:
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Run at least once to install dependencies in the app & root folder.
$ npm install
Run node-webkit from the app directory
$ nw .
Debug node-webkit from the app directory
$ nw . --debug
Mac: FN + F13 (Devconsole), FN+14 (Refresh)
Run compass in Terminal for CSS compiling and listen to future changes.
$ compass watch --css-dir css
Build with:
$ grunt
By default it will build for mac you can adjust the building platform inside the Gruntfile.js file.
mac: true, // Mac OSX
win: false, // Windows
linux32: false, // linux32
linux64: false, // linux64