A VHDL implementation of the MIPS Processor :
- 16 Registers of 32-bit (Register File)
- 16 Memory Slots of 32-bit (Data Memory)
- Simple operations in ALU (Addition, Subtraction, Branch etc.)
- Type R and Type I operations
- PC typically increases by 1
- Initial Address is 0x00000000
addi $2, $2, 0
addi $2, $4, 0
addi $3, $0, 1
addi $5, $0, 3
L1: add $6, $3, $0
sw $6, 0($4)
addi $3, $3, 1
addi $4, $4, 1
addi $5, $5, -1
bne $5,$0,L1