Game is about running into snails and flies that focus on how to implement Sprite classes and learning Pygame fundamentals that pair with OOP. I followed a video made by [@clear-code-projects( and would like to thank him for the tutorial! Check out his full video on his YouTube to learn more about this project.
Fork this repository.
Install pygame and make sure you have Python 3.11.1
Run the command 'py' and press space to play!
Added a speed up mode to make the game more interesting and to add more difficulty. There is a flash effect so be wary of that when your score hits 30 and the snails and flies move faster and spawn twice as fast.
Added a death sound.
Adding a scoreboard, saving your score and trying to beat mine. Which is basically having multiple screens instead of just menu screen and the game itself.
Having it run on a browser using pygbag.
Don't forget to share, have fun and enjoy the games!