notification server PUSH client implemented in JS to be used as a fallback for navigator.mozPush or navigator.push on all browsers
- Fernando Rodríguez Sela (frsela @ tid . es)
Import this JS library. From the app register the URL:
navigator.push.requestURL(WAToken, PublicKey (in Base64));
To change the default configuration use the setup method:
"ssl" : [ true | false ],
---> FOLLOWING attributes are only used in this fallback library <---
"debug": [ true | false ],
"keepalive": WEBSOCKET_KEEPALIVE_TIMER (in msecs),
---> FOLLOWING attributes are only used for testing purpose in order
to simulate UDP/TCP wakeup service in the client machine.
use only if you know what are you doing <---
"wakeup_enabled": [ true | false ],
"wakeup_host": "WAKEUP_HOSTNAME",
"wakeup_port": WAKEUP_PORT,
"wakeup_protocol": [ 'tcp' | 'udp' ],
"wakeup_mcc": 'MOBILE COUNTRY CODE',
"wakeup_mnc": 'MOBILE NETWORK CODE'
Each JSON attribute is optional, so you can configure one, two or all in a single request.
Call setup before any other use
To reset to factory defaults:
To recover current setup:
The last release of the JS library is available in: