Releases: fsciortino/Aurora
Updated package with OSM, EIRENE, DIVIMP, FACIT
Numerous changes including many for OSM, EIRENE, DIVIMP and FACIT
Release for v.2.1.2
Release including oedge parsing routines, A&M data reading routines using AMJUEL + HYDHEL, corrected particle conservation in particle transport forward model.
Release to trigger publish on pypi+conda
Release to trigger publish on pypi+conda
Use of pandas DataFrames for ADF15 files + misc extensions
What's Changed
- Add option to not load selected atomic data files by @odstrcilt in #50
- Prevent error when somebody set zero source by @odstrcilt in #39
- Provide parsed ADF15 files in the form of pandas DataFrames by @fsciortino in #51
- small bug in dimensions of rcl_rad_prof fixed by @TGleiter in #52
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.7-beta1...v2.0.8-beta1
Allow reading of ADF15 with ISEL indices
Allow reading of ADF15 with ISEL indices
Release multiple python versions
Release multiple python versions
Updates on sources handling in 1.5D modeling, SOLPS interface
Updates mostly resulting from PR #37 and #38 and #41 .
This is a new release after a PyPi issue was fixed in pypi/warehouse#10501
Release of v.2.0.0
Releasing of v.2.0.0. The code is still under active development, but sufficiently stable to motivate jumping above v0. We skip v1 since was initially used on PyPI and to avoid issues it is simplest to go above v1.
Miscellaneous updates
Timely update to allow use of spectroscopic line identification from ADF15 files within OMFIT. Other miscellaneous updates.
Improvements to superstaging, a few bug repairs
v.0.3.7-beta.1 Update