The Arch Linux based distro for Desktop Environments tailored to minimalists.
Table of Contents
Ibis is an Arch Linux based distro with BSPWM Window manager and few minimal packages for basic functionalities such as ssh, auto mounting, image viewer, text editor, audio/video player, etc. No other additional overhead is added into Ibis.
The system has been designed with the following principles in mind:
- Identify the basic functionalities required;
- Pick up the packages which deliver a minimal but complete solution for them;
- Configure the packages to make them working out of the box;
- Get an environment entirely reproducible via Pearl system.
- Allows to have an interactive installation process
If you think the package list does not suit your need, feel free to either suggest changes or fork the project and create your own distro style.
The name Ibis come from the notorious Australian white ibis bird which populates Sydney city.
Ibis requires to have an Arch Linux system with the base
package group
installed. The Arch Linux installation guide is
It is also required Pearl in order to control and reproduce the Ibis environment.
The final dependency is sudo
as Ibis will require to install the needed packages:
# pacman -Sy sudo
Update the ~/.config/pearl/pearl.conf
to include the following:
'ibis': {
"url": '',
Then, to install Ibis:
pearl install ibis
Ibis will start installing all the packages and will configure them for you. You can replay the environment at any time or remove Ibis if you want:
pearl update ibis
pearl remove ibis
Most of the applications are listed in the Arch Linux wiki page.
For the complete list of packages installed by Ibis take a look at
and aur-packages
- bspwm
- zathura
- zathura-pdf-poppler
- eom
- gvim
- firefox
- transmission-cli
- mate-media
- mpd
- ncmpcpp
- pulseaudio
- smplayer
- atool
- p7zip
- tar
- unrar
- zip/unzip
- iw
- net-tools
- wget
- wireless_tools
- wpa_supplicant
- libreoffice-fresh
- ranger
- rxvt-unicode
- tmux
- urxvt-perls
- scrot
- borg
- borgmatic
- rsync
- bash-completion
- bpytop
- entr
- font-manager
- fzf
- highlight
- imagemagick
- openssh
- pass
- slock
- sudo
- trash-cli
- w3m
- yay
This section has been left blank intentionally. It will be filled up as soon as troubles come in!