Automated tools help developers on Windows platforms building LLVM and clang.
Clone clangbuilder on Github
git clone clangbuilder
Click the script/InitializeEnv.bat
The installation script will compile ClangbuilderUI and create a shortcut, download required packages.
Your can modified settings.json to change your clangbuilder run mode. settings.template.json
content like here:
"EnterpriseWDK": "D:\\EWDK",
"LLVMRoot": "D:\\LLVM",
"LLVMArch": "x64",
"PwshCoreEnabled": true,
"UseWindowsTerminal": true,
"Conhost": "C:\\Path\\To\\OpenConsole.exe",
"SetWindowCompositionAttribute": false
Set EWDK root path and enable Enterprise WDK.LLVMRoot
Pre-built llvm installation root directory.LLVMArch
Pre-built llvm default architecturePwshCoreEnabled
Enable Powershell Core, all script run use pwsh (when you install powershell core).UseWindowsTerminal
Use Windows Terminal (We need wt support commandline)Conhost
If Windows Termianl not exists, your can set OpenConsole path.SetWindowCompositionAttribute
Fluent UI features
Clangbuilder Now Only support use Visual C++ build Clang LLVM LLDB.
Best Visual Studio Version:
Visual Studio 2019 16.3 or later
You can click to run ClangbuilderUI, Modified Arch, Configuration and other options. after click Building
ClangbuilderUI Snapshot
- Mainline, master/trunk branch , git fetch from
- Stable, llvm stable branch, like release_80, git fetch from
- Release, llvm release tag, download for
CMake Custom flags
You can custom cmake build flags Now !!!
Clangbuilder will check $ClangbuilderRoot\out\cmakeflags.$Branch.json
and $ClangbuilderRoot\out\cmakeflags.json
is exists, if exists parse cmake flags.
The corresponding branch takes effect:
Set cmakeflags.json
will take effect in all branches (Mainline, Stable, Release)
Flags configuration format is json:
- MSbuild use msbuild build llvm
MSBuild - MSVC
- Ninja use ninja build llvm
Ninja - MSVC
- NinjaBootstrap use ninja build and bootstrap llvm
Ninja - Bootstrap
- NinjaIterate use ninja build llvm, but compile is prebuilt clang (config by
)Ninja - Clang
When you select build LLDB, If not found Python 3 installed. Clangbuilder add flag -DLLDB_DISABLE_PYTHON=1
LLDB maybe not work.
Only NinjaBootstrap and NinjaIterate will compile libc++ ,Because Visual C++ not support include_next
clang-cl -std:c++14 -Iinclude\c++\v1 c++.lib
after copy c++.dll
to your path(or exe self directory).
Use Clean Environment
Clangbuilder support Clean Environment
, When use -ClearEnv
flag or enable check box Use Clean Environment
, Clangbuilder will retset $env:PATH
Function ReinitializePath {
if ($PSEdition -eq "Desktop" -or $IsWindows) {
$env:PATH += "${env:windir};${env:windir}\System32;${env:windir}\System32\Wbem;${env:windir}\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0"
else {
$env:PATH = "/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"
You can modify UseWindowsTerminal
to enable or disable the use of Windows Terminal as the default terminal. When UseWindowsTerminal
is set to true, you open the Clangbuilder terminal environment, the screenshot is as follows:
You can modify config/initialize.json , add some directories to PATH. Note that directories have higher priority in PATH. (Insert Front)
- Best Platform is Windows 10 x64
- Select
Use Clean Environment
will reset current process Environment PATH value, Resolve conflict environment variables - If your will build lldb, your should install python3.
$env:Path = "${env:windir};${env:windir}\System32;${env:windir}\System32\Wbem;${env:windir}\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0"
is usually C:\Windows
baulk is a better Windows package management tool developed by the author
You can port some tools to clangbuilder, see ports
and then double-click script/DevAll.bat
to the software you need as part of the Clangbuilder is added to the environment. Clangbuilder 6.0 support devi
, You can run devi under Environment Console
, use devi install $ToolName
to install your need tools.
devi 7.0 portable package manager
Usage: devi cmd package-name
list list installed package
search search ported package
install install package
uninstall uninstall package
upgrade upgrade all upgradeable packages
help print help message
version print devi version and exit
Default installed tools:
"core": [
Current ported tools:
7z 19.00 7-Zip is a file archiver with a high compression ratio
ag 2019-03-23/2.2.... A code-searching tool similar to ack, but faster.
arc 3.2 Introducing Archiver - a cross-platform, multi-format archive utility
aria2 1.35.0 The ultra fast download utility
bat v0.12.1 A cat(1) clone with wings.
cmake 3.16.4 CMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software
curl 7.68.0 Curl is a command-line tool for transferring data specified with URL syntax.
dmd 2.090.0 D is a general-purpose programming language with static typing, systems-level access, and C-like syntax
fd v7.4.0 A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
git 2.25.0 Git is a modern distributed version control system focused on speed
hg 5.3 Mercurial is a free, distributed source control management tool.
innoextract 1.8 A tool to unpack installers created by Inno Setup.
innounp 0.49 InnoUnp - Inno Setup Unpacker.
jom 1.1.3 jom is a clone of nmake
mach2 Mach2 manages the Windows Feature Store, where Features (and associated on/off state) live.
nasm 2.14.02 NASM - The Netwide Assembler
neovim 0.4.2 Neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability
ninja 1.10.0 Ninja is a small build system with a focus on speed.
nsis 3.05 NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System) is a professional open source system to create Windows installers.
nuget 5.4.0 NuGet is the package manager for .NET. The NuGet client tools provide the ability to produce and consume packages.
openssh v8.1.0.0p1-Beta Portable OpenSSH
perl5 Perl 5 is a highly capable, feature-rich programming language.
pijul 0.11.0 Pijul is a free and open source (GPL2) distributed version control system.
putty 0.73 PuTTY: a free SSH and Telnet client.
python3 3.5.4 Python is a programming language.
radare 4.0.0 unix-like reverse engineering framework and commandline tools
ripgrep 11.0.2 ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern.
shfmt 3.0.1 A shell formatter.
swigwin 4.0.1 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
unrar 5.90 Decompress RAR files.
vswhere 2.8.4 Visual Studio Locator.
watchexec 1.11.1 Execute commands in response to file modifications.
wget 1.20.3 A command-line utility for retrieving files using HTTP, HTTPS and FTP protocols.
We support 4 extensions: exe
, zip
, msi
, 7z
. If 7z is not installed, only the first three extensions are supported. If you need to port a 7z extension type of package, you need to understand the decompression format supported by 7z.exe.
7z.exe supported formats(Unpacking): AR, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DMG, EXT, FAT, GPT, HFS, IHEX, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, QCOW2, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, UEFI, VDI, VHD, VMDK, WIM, XAR and Z
You can add extranl lib, such as z3,
download extranl lib, unpack to bin/external
, bin/external/include
is include dir, bin/external/lib/$arch(x86,x64,arm,arm64)
, bin/external/bin/$arch(x86,x64,arm,arm64)
Ninja Task Parallel:
Function Parallel() {
$MemSize = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).TotalPhysicalMemory
$ProcessorCount = $env:NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
$MemParallelRaw = $MemSize / 1610612736 #1.5GB
#[int]$MemParallel = [Math]::Floor($MemParallelRaw)
[int]$MemParallel = [Math]::Ceiling($MemParallelRaw) ## less 1
return [Math]::Min($ProcessorCount, $MemParallel)
License: MIT
Author: Force.Charlie
Copyright © 2022 Force Charlie. All Rights Reserved.