Convert phpBB 3.2 PostgreSQL db to MySQL for migration to Discourse, XenForo, or other forum software
The current Discourse phpBB import script does not support postgres. It will eventually be deprecated in favor of the much faster bulk importer, but it's not ready yet (maybe in 6-12mo?).
XenForo only supports migrations from MySQL db sources.
Here is my janky solution. Basically any migration is jank, though, right?
First, dump your existing postgres db:
sudo -u postgres pg_dumpall -c > phpbb_pg_dump.sql
Clone this repo to your discourse host. Put phpbb_pg_dump.sql
in this repo's root.
git clone
Perform the following actions:
# start this compose file to create new postgres and mysql dbs for migration
sudo docker compose up -d
# restore postgres dump
sudo docker exec -it phpbb-postgres psql -U postgres -f /restore/restorefile
# set postgres pw to asdf123
sudo docker exec -it phpbb-postgres psql -U postgres -c "ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'asdf123';"
# generate dumps for mysql
sudo docker exec -it phpbb-postgres apt update
sudo docker exec -it phpbb-postgres apt install -y zip
sudo docker exec -it phpbb-postgres /dumptools/
sudo docker exec -it phpbb-postgres unzip /dumptools/ -d /dumptools
# create phpbb schema in mysql
sudo docker exec -it phpbb-mariadb sh -c 'mysql -h127.0.0.1 -P3306 -uroot -pasdf123 < /dumptools/mariadb_phpbb_3.2_create_schema.sql'
# import phpbb tables in mysql
sudo docker exec -it phpbb-mariadb /dumptools/dump_phpbb/
Finally, follow the Discourse import steps and move on with your life...
I strongly suggest having the importer connect directly to the phpbb-mariadb
container instead of doing yet another intermediary dump.
You can connect your discourse import container like this:
sudo docker network connect phpbb_pg2mysql_default import
Then, the discourse import script's settings.yml
should look like this:
type: MySQL # currently only MySQL is supported
host: phpbb-mariadb
port: 3306
username: root
password: asdf123
schema: phpbb
table_prefix: phpbb_ # Change this, if your forum is using a different prefix. Usually all table names start with phpbb_
batch_size: 1000 # Don't change this unless you know what you're doing. The default (1000) should work just fine.