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*                                                *
* Created  : 2006-02-16                          *
* Author   : Fredrik Tegenfeldt, CERN            *
* Modified : 2006-11-07                          *
*            Major revision.                     *
*                                                *

This is a short version of a 'manual'. The intention is to include this in the doxygen
documentation with somewhat more fancy layout.

The contents for now is:

I    Installation
II   Tools
III  Input options, polelim
IV   Input options, polecov
V    Example, polelim
VI   Example, polecov
VII  Scripts
VIII Known issues


1. untar file. The files will be created in current directory.

tar -xzvf polelib.tgz

2. compile


3. to run the code, you need to make the library available.
   This can be done by copying to /usr/lib or similar (need to be root).
   Otherwise, you can add the current directory to the library path:


   or in bash:


   Now it should be possible to run polelim or polecov.

4. To clean up:

make clean


1. polelim:   limit calculator
2. polecov:   coverage calculator
3. poleconst: calculates only the likelihood ratio construction in (s_hyp,N) plane
4. polebelt:  calculates the confidence belt

To create these tools, do

   make tools


The tools polelim, poleconst and polebelt all have the same options.
Their options are all defined in the file argsPole.cxx.

Running polelim with option --help yields:


   ./polelim  [-l <int>] [-f <string>] [-V <int>] [--poisnx <int>]
              [--poisnm <int>] [--poismax <float>] [--poismin <float>]
              [--bkgintn <int>] [--bkgintscale <float>] [--effintn <int>]
              [--effintscale <float>] [--hstep <float>] [--hmax <float>]
              [--hmin <float>] [--threshprec <float>] [--threshbs <float>]
              [--nmus <float>] [--dmus <float>] [--corr <float>]
              [--bkgscale <float>] [--bkgdist <int>] [--bkgmeas <float>]
              [--bkgsigma <float>] [--effscale <float>] [--effdist <int>]
              [--effmeas <float>] [--effsigma <float>] [--minp <float>]
              [-K] [-m <int>] [--strue <float>] [--cl <float>] [--nobs
              <int>] [--] [-v] [-h]

III.1 Minimum requirements

Pole calculates the confidence interval of a given confidence level from the following information:

* Number of observed events
  --nobs <int>         : default is 1

* Method
  -m or --method <int> : 1 - FHC2 (default), 2 - MBT

* Confidence level
  --cl       <float>   : default is 0.90

* Efficiency
  --effmeas  <float>   : measured mean
  --effdist  <float>   : assumed distribution
  --effsigma <float>   : measured uncertainty

* Background
  --bkgmeas  <float>   : measured mean
  --bkgdist  <float>   : assumed distribution
  --bkgsigma <float>   : measured uncertainty

* Correlation coefficient between eff and bkg:
  --corr     <float>   : is in the range of [-1,1]

The distributions above are:
  0 - none
  1 - poisson
  2 - gauss
  3 - flat
  4 - log normal
  5 - 2d gauss, that is, use --corr; eff and bkg correlated


An alternative way of inputting data is by file. This is not yet well developed.
See the function Pole::exeFromFile().

* Filename
  -f <string>   : data file name - see/modify Pole::exeFromFile()
  -l <int>      : number of lines to read from input file

  If -f is used --nobs, --eff/bkg{meas,dist,sigma} are ignored

III.2 Precision related

There are several other parameters to control the precision of integrals, limit scan etc.

* Integral over aposteriori efficiency distribution:
  --effn     <float    : number of points, default = 21
  --effscale <float>   :  integrate between [ mean-scale*sigma, mean+scale*sigma ]
		         where mean == --effmeas and sigma = --effsigma
		         default = 5.0

* Ditto for background integration:
  --bkgn     <float>   : see above
  --bkgscale <float>   : see above

* Finding s_best - only used when method is FHC2

  --dmus     <float>   : step size in search, usually fine with 0.01
	                 increase or reduce depending on requirements in precision or speed.
  --nmus     <float>   : maximum number of steps - using the given step size, the number of steps is not allowed
                         to be greater than nmus. default = 100

* Search threshholds

  --threshbs    <float> : minimum relative change in hypothesis in the binary search for the limit
                          default = 0.0001
  --threshalpha <float> : minimum relative diff in alpha to required alpha = 1-cl
                          default = 0.0001

  The binary search stops whenever one of the above conditions are met.

* Probability threshhold

  --minp        <float> : minimum probability p(n|H) considered when calculating the belt
                          automatically set depending on the selected CL

* Poisson table; for speed, the poisson table is tabulated for a range of N and mean values.
  This only makes sense if many points are to be caclulated.
  When reading the table, 2nd order derivative corrections are applied.

  --poisnx      <int>   : maximum N
                          default = 200
  --poisnm      <int>   : number of mean values
                          default = 100000
  --poismin     <float> : minimum mean
                          default = 0.0
  --poismax     <float> : maximum mean
                          default = 100.0

  NOTE: if large N or mean values are used, it might fail due to limited memory.

  -K                    : do not tabulate poisson - rarely needed but can be good to check that the
                          poisson table is accurate enough

III.3 Various options

  -V or --verbose <int> : verbose mode; mainly for debugging. Output may be confusing...

  -v or --version       : print version

  -h or --help          : print help


* Confidence belt construct.
  Relevant when calculating the construct or belt (polebelt and poleconst tools).

  --hstep <float> : hypothesis step size
  --hmin  <float> : minimum
  --hmax  <float> : maximum

The following options are now obsolete:



Running polecov --help gives:


   ./polecov  [--poisnx <int>] [--poisnm <int>] [--poismax <float>]
              [--poismin <float>] [--bkgn <int>] [--bscale <float>] [--effn
              <int>] [--effscale <float>] [--hstep <float>] [--hmax
              <float>] [--hmin <float>] [--threshalpha <float>] [--threshbs
              <float>] [--nmus <float>] [--dmus <float>] [--corr <float>]
              [--bkgstep <float>] [--bkgmax <float>] [--bkgmin <float>]
              [--bkgsigma <float>] [--bkgdist <int>] [--effstep <float>]
              [--effmax <float>] [--effmin <float>] [--effsigma <float>]
              [--effdist <int>] [--sstep <float>] [--smax <float>] [--smin
              <float>] [-P <int>] [-V <int>] [--dump <string>] [--minp
              <float>] [-S] [-C] [-K] [-m <int>] [--cl <float>] [--rseedofs
              <int>] [--rseed <int>] [--nloops <int>] [--] [-v] [-h]

polecov calculates the coverage over a given range of parameters.
It accepts largely the same arguments as for polelim.
The specifics for polecov are described below.

*The program can scan over:

1. true signal
   --smin   : min signal
   --smax   : max signal
   --sstep  : step size

2. efficiency:
   --emin, --emax, --estep
   --effdist: distribution (not scanable...)

3. background
   --bmin, --bmax, --bstep, --bkgdist

Number of loops

   --nloops : number of MC experiments (default = 1), usually 1000 is enough, increase the number for increased precision

Random number generator

  --rseed    :  set the random number seed; if not set, a seed is set based on the time
  --rseedofs :  seed offset (not really used)

It is possible to fix the N(obs) in each experiment:

   -S or --fixsig

Control the usage of tabulated poisson:

   -K or --notab  : do not use the table


   -P or --verbpol : set verbosity level for the pole part

   -V or --verbcov : ditto for the coverage


   --dump   :  dump file prefix

   -C,  --stats : collect statistics - will take longer time since it will always calculate the full limits

* The output

For each point calculated a line is printed as follows:

 DATA: <s(true)>    <eff>  <sigma(eff)>  <bkg> <sigma(bkg)>  <corr>  <coverage> <coverage uncertainty>  <number of loops done>  <max n(loops)>  <time in ms>

From the logfile, a tabulated file can be obtained using the following:

 grep "DATA:" <logfile> | cut -d ":" -f 2 > output.dat

The coverage can then be plotted using, e.g, gnuplot.

* Special features

1. Process signal handling:

   SIGINT (ctrl-c) : stops the program and prints out the latest result
   SIGUSR1         : prints out a "STATUS:" line which has the same contents as "DATA:"

2. Run time estimations:

   After a certain time, the code will print out a time estimation based on the performance so far.
   This estimation is rather a lower limit as the time per point varies with the values of the parameters.


* Running the polelim with default parameters:

--- Tabulating pdf <Poisson>
--- N(X)       = 201
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 200
--- N(mean)    = 100000
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 100
--- N(sigma)   = 1
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 0
--- Tabulating ... be patient
--- Tabulating DONE!

================ P O L E ==================
 1.0 - conf. level  : 0.1
 N observed         : 1
 Coverage friendly  : No
 True signal        : 1
 Efficiency meas    : 1
 Efficiency sigma   : 0.2
 Efficiency dist    : Gauss
 Efficiency scale   : 1
 Background meas    : 0
 Background sigma   : 0
 Background dist    : None
 Background scale   : 1
 Bkg-Eff correlation: 0
 Int. eff. min      : 0
 Int. eff. max      : 2
 Int. eff. N pts    : 21
 Int. bkg. min      : 0
 Int. bkg. max      : 0
 Int. bkg. N pts    : 1
 Binary search thr. : 0.0001
 1-CL threshold     : 0.0001
 Min prob in belt   : 0.001
 *Test hyp. min     : 0
 *Test hyp. max     : 35
 *Test hyp. step    : 0.01
 Step mu_best       : 0.002
 Max N, mu_best     : 100
 Method             : FHC2
 Verbosity          : 0
 Parameters prefixed with a * above are not
 relevant for limit calculations.

* Precision of lower limit = 0.000007
*              upper limit = 0.002139
* Limits = [ 0.105591, 4.639010 ]

* Fixed efficiency, gaussian backgound:

./polelim --effdist 0 --bkgdist 2 --bkgmeas 2 --bkgsigma 0.5 --nobs 4

 => [0.00,6.94]

* Very large N(obs)

./polelim --nobs 30

 => Used to fail in previous versions. Due to the binary search approach, this does not fail anymore.
 => [ 17.81, 47.66 ]


* Running polecov with default settings:

--- Tabulating pdf <Poisson>
--- N(X)       = 201
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 200
--- N(mean)    = 100000
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 100
--- N(sigma)   = 1
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 0
--- Tabulating ... be patient
--- Tabulating DONE!

==============C O V E R A G E=================
 Random seed        : 1162916891
 Number of loops    : 1
 Collect statistics : No
 Signal min         : 1
 Signal max         : 1
 Signal step        : 0
 Signal N           : 1
 Signal fixed       : No
 Efficiency min     : 1
 Efficiency max     : 1
 Efficiency step    : 0
 Efficiency sigma   : 0.2
 Efficiency dist    : Gauss
 Background min     : 0
 Background max     : 0
 Background step    : 0
 Background sigma   : 0
 Background dist    : None
 Correlated bkg,eff : No
Start of run: 07/11/2006 17:28:12
#     Signal    |     Efficiency       |      Background       |      Coverage         |    Loops    |    Time
#               | mean        sigma    |  mean        sigma    |  mean        sigma    | done    max |    [ms]
COVERAGE: 1.000000    1.000000    0.200000    0.000000    0.000000    1.000000    0.000000    1    1      10.00
>>>Limit calculation failure rate: 0

End of run: 07/11/2006 17:28:12

* Scanning several parameters:

> ./polecov --smin 1.0 --smax 5.0 --sstep 1.0 --dmus 0.1 --nloops 1000

--- Tabulating pdf <Poisson>
--- N(X)       = 201
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 200
--- N(mean)    = 100000
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 100
--- N(sigma)   = 1
---   min      = 0
---   max      = 0
--- Tabulating ... be patient
--- Tabulating DONE!

==============C O V E R A G E=================
 Random seed        : 1157036928
 Number of loops    : 1000
 Collect statistics : No
 Signal min         : 1
 Signal max         : 5
 Signal step        : 1
 Signal N           : 5
 Signal fixed       : No
 Efficiency min     : 1
 Efficiency max     : 1
 Efficiency step    : 0
 Efficiency sigma   : 0.2
 Efficiency dist    : Gauss
 Background min     : 0
 Background max     : 0
 Background step    : 0
 Background sigma   : 0
 Background dist    : None
 Correlated bkg,eff : No
tart of run: 07/11/2006 17:29:51
#     Signal    |     Efficiency       |      Background       |      Coverage         |    Loops    |    Time
#               | mean        sigma    |  mean        sigma    |  mean        sigma    | done    max |    [ms]
COVERAGE: 1.000000    1.000000    0.200000    0.000000    0.000000    0.946000    0.007147    1000    1000      250.00
COVERAGE: 2.000000    1.000000    0.200000    0.000000    0.000000    0.979000    0.004534    1000    1000      490.00
COVERAGE: 3.000000    1.000000    0.200000    0.000000    0.000000    0.944000    0.007271    1000    1000      740.00
COVERAGE: 4.000000    1.000000    0.200000    0.000000    0.000000    0.945000    0.007209    1000    1000      1050.00
COVERAGE: 5.000000    1.000000    0.200000    0.000000    0.000000    0.961000    0.006122    1000    1000      1430.00
>>>Limit calculation failure rate: 0

End of run: 07/11/2006 17:29:55

* A long run first checked with  kill -USR1 <process id>

  polecov --nloops 10000



Estimated end of run: 31/08/2006 17:12:19 ( 0h 0m 23s )

#     Signal    |     Efficiency       |      Background       |      Coverage         |    Loops    |    Time
#               | mean        sigma    |  mean        sigma    |  mean        sigma    | done    max |    [ms]
STATUS: 1.000000    0.668974    0.200000    0.000000    0.000000    0.944142    0.003791    3670    10000      8540.00
WARNING (31/08/2006 17:12:08 ) Job aborting (signal = 2 ). Will output data from unfinnished loop.

DATA: 1.000000    1.103927    0.200000    0.000000    0.000000    0.943144    0.003220    5171    10000      12090.00


The STATUS: line is printed whenever polecov receives a SIGUSR1 signal (eg through kill -USR1 <pid> ).
With a ctrl-c (or kill -2 <pid>) the running is aborted and the current result is printed out.


The tools polebelt and poleconst produces output which needs processing for plotting.
A few scripts exists which will do the processing and plotting.

1. log2construct.csh <log file>
   The script processes the log file containing the output from poleconst and produces
   a ROOT readable text file (construct.dat)

2. log2confbelt.csh <log file>
   The script processes the log file containing the output from polebelt and produces
   a ROOT readable text file (confbelt.dat)

3. plotconst.C
   Reads <construct.dat> and plots the likelihood ratio construction in (s_hyp,N) plane

4. plotconfbelt.C
   Reads <confbelt.dat> and plots the confidence belt.
   Takes as arguments (Nobs, lower limit, upper limit).
   If given, the intersection lines are drawn -> useful to verify result.

5. plotprob.C
   Reads <construct.dat> and plots the probability at each point in (s_hyp,N) plane


The previous issues have been fixed.

1. Combined measurements - numerically tricky - does not work now


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