Filehound is a penetration testing tool for searching file name/content based on user supplied criteria, also has capability to list directories or files recursively. Created to assist with MITRE ATT&CK ID T1083 (File and Directory Discovery)
BaseDir - Base directory recursive search starts from (user supplied)
Options - user supplied string containing path
SearchType - Type of search to be performed (user supplied) - required param
Options - ld -> list directory, lf -> list file, sn -> search file name, sc -> search file content
Depth - Recursive search depth
Options - Integer specifying how deep to conduct recursive search
String to be searched for in filename
Options - user supplied filename string to be searched, allows for wildcard *highly recommend wildcard*
String to be searched for in file content. MS Word documents can be searched, however takes a really longtime!
Recommend search be very specific if including .doc filenames
Options - user supplied content string to be searched, does not allow for wildcard *
Filename to save output
Options - user string containing path and filename (ex.. c:\Temp\foo.csv), output format is CSV
Filehound.ps1 -SearchType sn -BaseDir c:\temp -OutFile dirs.csv
Do a recursive directory (including hidden) listing starting at c:\temp and save all directories to dirs.csv
Filehound.ps1 -SearchType sc -BaseDir c:\temp -FileString *.txt, *.csv -ContentString pwd, pass
Do a recursive directory (including hidden) search for all file names containing (.txt or .csv) and if found search
contents of the file looking for strings containing (pwd or pass) and display to console.