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FullContact Go Client



The official FullContact Golang Client Library for the FullContact V3 APIs.

Table of contents


To install FullContact Go client, use go get:

go get

Then, reference fullcontact-go in a Go program with import:

import fc ""

To update FullContact Go client to the latest version use:

go get -u

Working with FullContact Client

FullContact client supports v3 Enrich and Resolve APIs which are super simplified to easily enrich Person and Company data and Resolve fragmented customer data. All the API requests are over HTTPS using POST method with content sent as JSON. This library supports Multi Field Request, Person Enrichment & Data Packs, Company Enrichment & Data Packs and Webhooks. Just build a FullContact Client with your API Key, make a enrich request and get a response object back.

Quick Overview

If you are not familiar with the Enrich API, complete details can be found @API documentation

FullContact Client provides an object layer to FullContact API communication, but understanding Enrich API, webhooks, request and response parameters, and common snags is still important.

Once you’re on board with the API behavior, FullContact Client library should simplify your integration.

Supported APIs

  • Enrich

    • person.enrich
    • company.enrich
  • Private Identity Cloud

    • Resolve
      • identity.resolve
      • identity.mapResolve
      • identity.delete
    • Tags
      • tags.create
      • tags.get
      • tags.delete
    • Audience
      • audience.create
  • Permission

    • permission.create
    • permission.delete
    • permission.find
    • permission.current
    • permission.verify
  • Verify

    • verify.activity
    • verify.match
    • verify.signals

Providing Authentication to FullContact Client

FullContact client uses CredentialsProvider interface for Authentication. Different ways to provide authentication:

  • Static API Key provider:
cp, err := fc.NewStaticCredentialsProvider("your-api-key")
  • Through System Environment Variable:
//API Key is stored as Environment variable FC_API_KEY
cp, err := fc.NewDefaultCredentialsProvider("FC_API_KEY")
  • If no CredentialsProvider is specified while making FullContact Client, it automatically looks for API key from Environment variable "FC_API_KEY"

(Don't have an API key? You can pick one up for free right here.)

Making a FullContact Client

Make your fcClient with:

Parameters Description Default value isOptional
WithCredentialsProvider Used for Authentication API Key through Environment variable"FC_API_KEY" No
WithHeaders Any Custom Headers you want to add with every request, can include Reporting-Key as well. No additional header Yes
WithTimeout Connection timeout in millis for request 3000ms Yes
WithRetryHandler type RetryHandler DefaultRetryHandler Yes

Please note that you don't have to provide Authorization and Content-Type in the custom Headers map as these will be automatically added. Custom headers provided will remain same and will be sent with every request made with this client. If you wish to change the headers, make a new client with new custom headers.


type RetryHandler interface {
	ShouldRetry(responseCode int) bool
	RetryAttempts() int
	RetryDelayMillis() int

In case of failure, FullContact Client will auto-retry for same request based on certain conditions set in RetryHandler

  • Although optional, a custom Retry handler can be created by implementing RetryHandler interface and then be used to make FC client. By default, client will use DefaultRetryHandler to schedule a retry for same request, with retryAttempts = 1, retryDelayMillis = 1000, and in case of 429(rate limit error) or 503(capacity limit error).

  • This Client will auto-retry for a maximum of 5 times, even if higher value is set in the custom Retry Handler.

fcClient, err := fc.NewFullContactClient(
		fc.WithHeader(map[string]string{"Reporting-Key": "FC_GoClient_1.0.0"}),


MultiFieldReqiest provides the ability to match on one or many input fields. The more contact data inputs you can provide, the better. By providing more contact inputs, the more accurate and precise we can get with our identity resolution capabilities.

Several of FullContact Apis requires MultifieldRequest requests, which can be constructed by using NewMultifieldRequest and following are it's parameters.

  • Emails: []string
  • Phones: []string
  • Location: *Location
    • AddressLine1: string
    • AddressLine2: string
    • City: string
    • Region: string
    • RegionCode: string
    • PostalCode: string
  • Name: *PersonName
    • Full: string
    • Given: string
    • Family: string
  • Profiles: []*Profile
    • Service: string
    • Username: string
    • Userid: string
    • Url: string
  • Maids: []string
  • RecordId: string
  • PersonId: string
  • LiNonId: string
  • PartnerId: string
  • Placekey: string
  • PanoramaId:string
multifieldRequest, err := fc.NewMultifieldRequest(
permissionRequest, err := fc.NewPermissionRequest(


Enrich API Reference

  • person.enrich
  • company.enrich

Making a Person Enrich Request

Our V3 Person Enrich supports Multi Field Request: ability to match on one or many input fields

You can build a Person Request using NewPersonRequest and setting different input parameters that you have. If you want to use Webhook, you can specify it in webhookUrl field. API can lookup and enrich individuals by sending any identifiers you may already have, such as:

  • Emails: []string
  • Phones: []string
  • Location: *Location
    • AddressLine1: string
    • AddressLine2: string
    • City: string
    • Region: string
    • RegionCode: string
    • PostalCode: string
  • Name: *PersonName
    • Full: string
    • Given: string
    • Family: string
  • Profiles: []*Profile
    • Service: string
    • Username: string
    • Userid: string
    • Url: string
  • DataFilters: []string
  • Maids: []string
  • Confidence: string
  • Infer: bool
  • WebhookUrl: string
  • RecordId: string
  • PersonId: string
  • LiNonId: string
  • PartnerId: string
  • Placekey: string
  • MaxMaids: int
  • PanoramaId:string
profile, err := fc.NewProfile(
if err != nil {
personRequest, err := fc.NewPersonRequest(
    fc.WithName(&fc.PersonName{Full:"Bart Lorang",}),
        fc.WithAddressLine1("123 Main street"),

Person Enrich Request and Response

You can send a request by calling PersonEnrich on fcClient and passing personRequest as a argument. It sends a Asynchronous request and a channel of type APIResponse is returned as response. You can then receive response from this channel. There is a flag isSuccessful on APIResponse to check if the request was successful or not. If the request was unsuccessful, you can check the status code and message to determine the cause.

//Sending Person Enrich request which returns a channel of type `APIResponse`
ch := fcClient.PersonEnrich(personRequest)
resp := <-ch
fmt.Printf("Person Enrich API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful == true {
    fmt.Printf("Person Response: %v", *resp.PersonResponse)

Company Enrich Request and Response

To Enrich Company data FullContact library provides the method Lookup by Company Domain. All available details of the company is available through the Lookup by Company Domain.

Lookup by Company Domain
  • Request:
companyEnrichRequest, err := fc.NewCompanyRequest(fc.WithDomain(""))
if err != nil {
  • Response:
resp := <-fcClient.CompanyEnrich(companyEnrichRequest)
fmt.Printf("Company Enrich API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Printf("Company Name: %v", resp.CompanyResponse.Name)


Resolve API Reference

  • identity.resolve
  • identity.delete
  • identity.mapResolve

Resolve Request

Resolve uses ResolveRequest type for its request which supports Multi Field Request: ability to match on one or many input fields

You can build a Resolve Request by using NewResolveRequest and setting different input parameters that you have.

Note: For and identity.mapResolve any of email, phone, profile, name & location must be present.

API can lookup and resolve individuals by sending any identifiers you may already have, such as:

  • Emails: []string
  • Phones: []string
  • Location: *Location
    • AddressLine1: string
    • AddressLine2: string
    • City: string
    • Region: string
    • RegionCode: string
    • PostalCode: string
  • Name: *PersonName
    • Full: string
    • Given: string
    • Family: string
  • Profiles: []*Profile
    • Service: string
    • Username: string
    • Userid: string
    • Url: string
  • Maids: []string
  • Tags: []*Tag
  • RecordId: string
  • PersonId: string
  • LiNonId: string
  • PartnerId: string
  • Placekey: string
  • PanoramaId:string
  • GeneratePid:bool
resolveRequest, err := fc.NewResolveRequest(

Resolve Response

All resolve methods returns a channel of type APIResponse from which you can get ResolveResponse

resp := <-fcClient.IdentityMap(resolveRequest)
fmt.Printf("Identity Map API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Printf("RecordIds Mapped: %v", resp.ResolveResponse.RecordIds)
resp = <-fcClient.IdentityResolve(resolveRequest)
fmt.Printf("Identity Resolve API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Printf("PersonIds Mapped: %v", resp.ResolveResponse.PersonIds)

resp = <-fcClient.IdentityMapResolve(resolveRequest)
fmt.Printf("Identity Map Resolve API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Printf("PersonIds Mapped: %v", resp.ResolveResponse.PersonIds)

resp = <-fcClient.IdentityDelete(resolveRequest)
fmt.Printf("Identity Delete API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Println("Record Deleted Successfully!")


Tags API Reference

  • tags.create
  • tags.get
  • tags.delete

FullContact provides the ability to store customer tags/metadata to each record within a customer's Private Identity Cloud for continuous updates, retrievals and deletes across both 1st party as well as 2nd party data partnerships.

Creating Tags

Tags can be added while mapping records using API or later using tags.create API. Once a Customer Record ID has been mapped, customer tags can continue to be added to the originally provided Record ID

Tags Request
  • Request Parameters:
    • RecordId: string
    • Tags: []*Tag
      • Key: string
      • Value: string
tagsRequest, err := fc.NewTagsRequest(fc.WithRecordIdForTags("k1"),
		fc.WithTag(fc.NewTag(fc.WithTagKey("gender"), fc.WithTagValue("male"))))
if err != nil {

// Sending Request
resp := <-fcClient.TagsCreate(tagsRequest)
fmt.Printf("\n\nTags Create API Response: %v", resp.TagsResponse)

Get Tags

This will return all customer tags that are associated to a mapped record using recordId.

resp := <-fcClient.TagsGet("recordId")
	fmt.Printf("\n\nTags Get API Response: %v", resp.TagsResponse)

Delete Tags

This will remove specific or all customer tags that are attached to a mapped record.

tagsRequest, err := fc.NewTagsRequest(fc.WithRecordIdForTags("k1"),
		fc.WithTag(fc.NewTag(fc.WithTagKey("gender"), fc.WithTagValue("male"))))
if err != nil {

// Sending Request
resp := <-fcClient.TagsDelete(tagsRequest)
	fmt.Printf("\n\nTags Delete API Response: %v", resp.Status)


  • audience.create

This endpoint can be used in order to obtain multiple individuals based upon the key, value tag inputs (both are required as input) in order to suppress or take action upon certain audiences for data onboarding or audience analysis.

Audience Create

The Audience Creation endpoint requires a at least one Tag and valid webhookURL to be present in order to send a message when the audience creation is complete and ready to be downloaded.

audienceRequest, err := fc.NewAudienceRequest(fc.WithWebhookUrlForAudience("your-webhookUrl"),
		fc.WithTagForAudience(fc.NewTag(fc.WithTagKey("gender"), fc.WithTagValue("male"))))
if err != nil {

resp := <-fcClient.AudienceCreate(audienceRequest)
fmt.Printf("\n\nAudience Create API Response: %v", resp.AudienceResponse)
if resp.IsSuccessful {

Audience Download

When audience.create result is ready, requestId from its response can be used to download the audience data. A utility method is provided WriteAudienceBytesToFile(fileName string) which generates a file in json.gz format with audience data bytes.

requestId := "730000fd-009a-00fc-8008-100e000085f0"  //From the response of 'AudienceCreate'
resp := <-fcClient.AudienceDownload(requestId)
fmt.Printf("\n\nAudience Download API Response: %v", resp.AudienceResponse)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    resp.AudienceResponse.WriteAudienceBytesToFile(requestId + "_audienceFile.json.gz")


Permission API Reference

  • permission.create
  • permission.delete
  • permission.find
  • permission.current
  • permission.verify

Permission Request

Permission uses the following type of parameters for it's requests

PermissionRequest for

  • permission.create
  • permission.verify

and MultifieldRequest for

  • permission.delete
  • permission.find
  • permission.current

You can build a Permission Request by using NewPermissionRequest and setting different input parameters that you have.

Permission Request

All permission methods returns a channel of type APIResponse from which you can get corresponding response classes.

The following are the corresponding response classes

  • PermissionCreatedResponse - permission.create
  • PermissionDeleteResponse - permission.delete
  • PermissionVerifyResponse - permission.verify
  • PermissionFindResponse - permission.find
  • PermissionCurrentResponse - permission.current

PermissionCreate and PermissionVerify requires a ResolveRequest as parameter while the rest requires MultifieldRequest as parameter

Permission Create


Supported fields in query:

  • query: MultifieldRequest - [required]
  • consentPurposes: List[ConsentPurposes] - [required]
  • locale: string
  • ipAddress: string
  • language: string
  • collectionMethod: string - [required]
  • collectionLocation: string - [required]
  • policyUrl: string - [required]
  • termsService: string - [required]
  • tcf: string
  • timestamp: int


class: PermissionCreateResponse. A basic API response with response code as 202 if successful.

Permission Verify


Supported fields in query:

  • query: MultifieldRequest - [required]
  • purposeId: int - [required]
  • channel: string - [required]


class: PermissionVerifyResponse with following fields.

  • ttl: string
  • enabled: bool
  • channel: string
  • purposeId: int
  • purposeName: string
  • timestamp: int

Permission Delete


Query takes a MultifieldRequest


class: PermissionDeleteResponse. A basic API response with response code as 202 if successful.

Permission Find


Query takes a MultifieldRequest


class: PermissionFindResponse with list of Permissions.

Permission Current


Query takes a MultifieldRequest


class: PermissionCurrentResponse with set of current permissions

resp := <-fcClient.PermissionCreate(permissionRequest)
fmt.Printf("Permission Create API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Println("Permission Created Successfully!")
resp = <-fcClient.PermissionVerify(permissionRequest)
fmt.Printf("Permission Verify API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Printf("Permissions List: %v", resp.PermissionVerifyResponse)

resp = <-fcClient.PermissionDelete(multifieldRequest)
fmt.Printf("Permission Delete API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Println("Permission Deleted Successfully!")

resp = <-fcClient.PermissionFind(multifieldRequest)
fmt.Printf("Permission Find API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Printf("Permission Find: %v", resp.PermissionFindResponse)

resp = <-fcClient.PermissionCurrent(multifieldRequest)
fmt.Printf("Permission Current API Response: %v", resp)
if resp.IsSuccessful {
    fmt.Printf("Permission Current: %v", resp.PermissionCurrentResponse)


Verify API Reference

  • verify.activity
  • verify.match
  • verify.signals

Verify Request

Verify accepts a MultifieldRequest as its input for

  • verify.activity
  • verify.match
  • verify.signals

All verify api methods returns a channel of type APIResponse from which you can get corresponding response classes.

The following are the corresponding response classes

  • VerifyActivityResponse - verify.activity
  • VerifyMatchResponse - verify.match
  • VerifySignalsResponse - verify.signals

Verify Activity


Query takes a MultifieldRequest


class: VerifyActivityResponse. A basic API response with response code as 200 if successful with the following fields

  • Emails: float64
  • Online: float64
  • Social: float64
  • Employment: float64

If person can be identified then, the Emails, Online, Social, Employment field will contain the verify score.

    multifieldRequest, err := fc.NewMultifieldRequest(
    resp = <-fcClient.VerifyActivity(multifieldRequest)
	if resp.IsSuccessful == true {
		fmt.Printf("Verify Activity API Response: %v", resp)

Verify Match


Query takes a MultifieldRequest


class: VerifyMatchResponse. A basic API response with response code as 200 if successful with the following fields

  • City: bool
  • Region: bool
  • Country: bool
  • PostalCode: bool
  • FamilyName: bool
  • GivenName: bool
  • Phone: bool
  • Email: bool
  • Risk: float64
    multifieldRequest, err := fc.NewMultifieldRequest(

    resp = <-fcClient.VerifyMatch(multifieldRequest)
	if resp.IsSuccessful == true {
		fmt.Printf("Verify Match API Response: %v", resp)

Verify Signals


Query takes a MultifieldRequest


class: VerifySignalsResponse. A basic API response with response code as 200 if successful with the following fields

  • Emails: []VerifiedEmail
    • Md5 : string
    • Sha1 : string
    • Sha256 : string
    • FirstSeenMs : int64
    • LastSeenMs : int64
    • Observations : int
    • Confidence : float64
  • PersonIds: []string
  • Phones: []VerifiedPhone
    • Label: string
    • Type: string
    • FirstSeenMs : int64
    • LastSeenMs : int64
    • Observations : int
    • Confidence : float64
  • Maids: []VerifiedIdentifier
    • Id : string
    • Type : string
    • FirstSeenMs : int64
    • LastSeenMs : int64
    • Observations : int
    • Confidence : float64
  • Name: VerifiedName
    • GivenName : string
    • FamilyName : string
  • PanoIds: []PanoIds
    • Id : string
    • FirstSeenMs : int64
    • LastSeenMs : int64
    • Observations : int
    • Confidence : float64
  • NonIds: []NonIds
    • Id : string
    • FirstSeenMs : int64
    • LastSeenMs : int64
    • Observations : int
    • Confidence : float64
  • IpAddresses: []IpAddresses
    • Id : string
    • FirstSeenMs : int64
    • LastSeenMs : int64
    • Confidence : float64
  • SocialProfiles: VerifiedSocialProfile
    • TwitterUrl : string
    • LinkedInUrl : string
  • Demographics: VerifiedDemographics
    • Age : int
    • AgeRange : string
    • Gender : string
    • LocationFormatted : string
  • Employment: VerifiedEmployment
    • Current : bool
    • Company : string
    • Title : string
  • Message: string
    multifieldRequest, err := fc.NewMultifieldRequest(

    resp = <-fcClient.VerifySignals(multifieldRequest)
	if resp.IsSuccessful == true {
		fmt.Printf("Verify Signals API Response: %v", resp)