This project is dead. Call me if you want to take the torch.
Copyright (C) 2001-2014 William Entriken
Source Speak is a turn-key system for displaying source code on your web site.
Uses Vim syntax hilighting engine
Source Speak uses the Vim engine to highlight the code. Any format supported by Vim (virtually everything) will be handled.
Easily Themable
All source code highlighting is done by a single CSS style sheet. To change
the look, simply edit common.css
Attach arbitrary metadata
You can display arbitrary metadata with each project, like Author, Version, etc.
Simply choose the metadata to display in the config.json
- Source Speak requires: PHP and Vim with syntax highlighting support
git clone
ortar xfz sourcespeak-*.tar.gz
- Set permissions with
chown -R apache:apache cache metadata
orchmod 777 cache/ metadata/
- Add your source code to the
folder or use a softlink
Thank you for choosing Source Speak for your source code displaying needs.