Some scripts to make life easier when using mpv and iina (mpv fork for OSX)
This is a Improved fork of the autosub script by selsta. It Automatically downloads subtitles if they are not present using subliminal
Make sure you have subliminal installed
- Download trueautosub.lua
- Copy to ~/.config/mpv/scripts/
- Open a video file using mpv, the subtitles will automatically get downloaded
- If you got a wrongly synced sub, press b or your customised shortcut to get another subtitle.Rinse and repeat until you find the proper sub 🎉
Note: only tested on OSX, this should technically work with linux as well
this is simply a lazy hack to make the script work the way its meant to be, all credits should go to the original author: selsta.Absolutely no programming skills were involved in modifying this script.enjoy :)