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Fullstack Hackathon - Spring meets Angular


Boilerplate application for the Fullstack Hackathon (20-22. March) with integration to Insight and an Angular / Spring Boot application. Ready to code!

Developer guidelines

Getting started

Build options

Full executable JAR Build

A fully runnable JAR file with the frontend can be build by running:

./gradlew bootJar

To run this jar you can then run

java -jar backend/build/libs/backend-<YOUR VERSION>.jar

If you want to execute it against the Insight API (and not with the profile 'ci') you will need to provide your username and password:


Now, after the application started successfully you can navigate to http://localhost:8080 and see the running angular app.

Development setup

The development setup is intended for developers on a local machine to have full support of hot-reloading and debugging options. You will execute a separate Backend and Frontend server.

A proxy configuration will ensure that the frontend can easily connect to the backend without any CORS problems.


# this will execute a regular run of the spring boot application, connecting to insight
./gradlew bootRun 
# or if you want to run the Mocked Insight API locally
./gradlew bootRun 

Alternatively you can use the provided Run Configurations in IntelliJ:

  • ConnectZuehlkeApplication (mock)
  • ConnectZuehlkeApplication (insight-test)
  • ConnectZuehlkeApplication (insight-prod)


cd frontend
ng serve

Alternatively you can use the provided Run Configurations in IntelliJ:

  • Start Angular App

Go to http://localhost:4200 with your browser.


Unit Tests - Frontend

cd frontend
npm run test

Unit Tests - Backend

./gradlew :backend:test

E2E Tests - Full stack

# Start a backend server with CI profile active
./gradlew bootRun 
# Wait till the server is booted
# Run the E2E Tests in a seperate terminal
./gradlew :frontend:e2e