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Minutes 2021 02 11

fullstaq edited this page Feb 24, 2021 · 1 revision

todo list

determine business model type straight-up open source? server - just the server or the UI too?

why are we doing this / what are our unique things

  one size fits all video
  too big / small for some
  could differentiate in the future
  watch what _you_ need
  work your own path through the material that means the most to
  could address questions
    for those of you who are intersted...
  student could add another question
    others may have the same question
    good feedback for teachers while students are thinking of it
  ideally simulating one-one student converations
    one-one are the best
    every one goes a little differently

who are our competitors

what is the name - important to have some name even if it changes today: lesson creator want a new name to capture the student side too

  one on one
  choose your own adventure

working agreement who is on the team core Mike Matt

  beta user teachers
  UX Designer
  Matt's peers
    UI coding
    design thoughts
    UI organization thoughts
    technical topic support
      client-side unit testing

when do we meet - cadence T (night), Th (day) to start day hours ok maybe one night one day meeting each week

PRs cool

use stories use kanban

make a place to document and track stuff Google docs concurrent work free Wiki? -- todo figure out where to put our stories

like a wiki or project management spot

iteration 0 tech stuff UI structure lazybones thing? rely on Matt's peers consider microsite like TGT domain analysis architecture license file header decide if we are going to do a total rewrite or start from your prototype prime owns it or part of it decide on stack choose CI/CD

before we can launch hosting devops data storage backups agree to video storage spot choose auth solution

stack ideas Typescript ReactJS JSS Kotlin on the server side server TBD GitHub for source control GitHub Actions for source control

action items Mike - look for free wiki thing (look at google stuff first) Mike - get microsite references Mike - understand CQRS & serverless functions & Signal R Mike - if I find a wiki put this doc on the meeting minutes Matt - license file header Matt - feed Mike links on CQRS & serverless functions & Signal R

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