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Merge pull request commaai#35 from BogGyver/tesla_devel
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Bringing lane change (ALCA), Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), custom messages, UI buttons and controls for pedal into devel
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jeankalud authored Aug 12, 2018
2 parents c9a7034 + 43657c5 commit 1842911
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286 changes: 175 additions & 111 deletions panda/board/safety/safety_tesla.h

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from import service_list
from import AH, CruiseButtons, CAR
from selfdrive.config import Conversions as CV
import selfdrive.messaging as messaging
import custom_alert as customAlert
import os
import subprocess
import time
import zmq

def _current_time_millis():
return int(round(time.time() * 1000))

class ACCController(object):
def __init__(self,carcontroller):
self.CC = carcontroller
self.human_cruise_action_time = 0
self.automated_cruise_action_time = 0
self.last_angle = 0.
context = zmq.Context()
self.poller = zmq.Poller()
self.live20 = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['live20'].port, conflate=True, poller=self.poller)
self.lead_1 = None
self.last_update_time = 0
self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
self.prev_steering_wheel_stalk = None
self.prev_cruise_buttons = CruiseButtons.IDLE
self.prev_cruise_setting = CruiseButtons.IDLE
self.acc_speed_kph = 0.

#function to calculate the desired cruise speed based on a safe follow distance
def calc_follow_speed(self, CS):
follow_time = 2.5 #in seconds
current_time_ms = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
#make sure we were able to populate lead_1
if self.lead_1 is None:
return None
#dRel is in meters
lead_dist = self.lead_1.dRel
#grab the relative speed and convert from m/s to kph
rel_speed = self.lead_1.vRel * 3.6
#current speed in kph
cur_speed = CS.v_ego * 3.6
#v_ego is in m/s, so safe_distance is in meters
safe_dist = CS.v_ego * follow_time
# How much we can accelerate without exceeding the max allowed speed.
available_speed = self.acc_speed_kph - CS.v_cruise_actual
# Tesla cruise only functions above 18 MPH
min_cruise_speed = 18 * CV.MPH_TO_MS
# Metric cars adjust cruise in units of 1 and 5 kph
half_press_kph = 1
full_press_kph = 5
# Imperial unit cars adjust cruise in units of 1 and 5 mph
if CS.imperial_speed_units:
half_press_kph = 1 * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
full_press_kph = 5 * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
#button to issue
button = None
#debug msg
msg = None

#print "dRel: ", self.lead_1.dRel," yRel: ", self.lead_1.yRel, " vRel: ", self.lead_1.vRel, " aRel: ", self.lead_1.aRel, " vLead: ", self.lead_1.vLead, " vLeadK: ", self.lead_1.vLeadK, " aLeadK: ", self.lead_1.aLeadK

### Logic to determine best cruise speed ###

# Automatically engange traditional cruise if it is idle and we are
# going fast enough.
if (CS.pcm_acc_status == 1
and self.enable_adaptive_cruise
and CS.v_ego > min_cruise_speed):
button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
# If traditional cruise is engaged, then control it.
elif CS.pcm_acc_status == 2:
#if lead_dist is reported as 0, no one is detected in front of you so you can speed up
#don't speed up when steer-angle > 2; vision radar often loses lead car in a turn
if lead_dist == 0 and self.enable_adaptive_cruise and CS.angle_steers < 2.0:
if full_press_kph < (available_speed * 0.9):
msg = "5 MPH UP full: ","{0:.1f}kph".format(full_press_kph), " avail: {0:.1f}kph".format(available_speed)
button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND
elif half_press_kph < (available_speed * 0.8):
msg = "1 MPH UP half: ","{0:.1f}kph".format(half_press_kph), " avail: {0:.1f}kph".format(available_speed)
button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL

#if we have a populated lead_distance
elif (lead_dist > 0
#and we only issue commands every 300ms
and current_time_ms > self.automated_cruise_action_time + 300):
### Slowing down ###
#Reduce speed significantly if lead_dist < 50% of safe dist, no matter the rel_speed
if lead_dist < (safe_dist * 0.5):
msg = "50pct down"
button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND
#Reduce speed significantly if lead_dist < 60% of safe dist
#and if the lead car isn't pulling away
elif lead_dist < (safe_dist * 0.7) and rel_speed < 5:
msg = "70pct down"
button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND
#Reduce speed if rel_speed < -15kph so you don't rush up to lead car
elif rel_speed < -15:
msg = "relspd -15 down"
button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
#we're close to the safe distance, so make slow adjustments
#only adjust every 1 secs
elif (lead_dist < (safe_dist * 0.9) and rel_speed < 0
and current_time_ms > self.automated_cruise_action_time + 1000):
msg = "90pct down"
button = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET

### Speed up ###
#don't speed up again until you have more than a safe distance in front
#only adjust every 2 sec
elif (lead_dist > safe_dist * 1.2 and half_press_kph < available_speed * 0.8
and current_time_ms > self.automated_cruise_action_time + 2000):
msg = "120pct UP half: ","{0:.1f}kph".format(half_press_kph), " avail: {0:.1f}kph".format(available_speed)
button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL

#if we don't need to do any of the above, then we're at a pretty good speed
#make sure if we're at this point that the set cruise speed isn't set too low or high
if (cur_speed - CS.v_cruise_actual) > 5 and button == None:
# Send cruise stalk up_1st if the set speed is too low to bring it up
msg = "cruise rectify"
button = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL

if (current_time_ms > self.last_update_time + 1000):
#print "Lead Dist: ", "{0:.1f}".format(lead_dist*3.28), "ft Safe Dist: ", "{0:.1f}".format(safe_dist*3.28), "ft Rel Speed: ","{0:.1f}".format(rel_speed), "kph SpdOffset: ", "{0:.3f}".format(speed_delta * 1.01)
ratio = 0
if safe_dist > 0:
ratio = (lead_dist / safe_dist) * 100
#print "Ratio: {0:.1f}%".format(ratio), " lead: ","{0:.1f}m".format(lead_dist)," avail: ","{0:.1f}kph".format(available_speed), " Rel Speed: ","{0:.1f}kph".format(rel_speed), " Angle: {0:.1f}deg".format(CS.angle_steers)
self.last_update_time = current_time_ms
#if msg != None:
# print msg

return button

def update_stat(self,CS, enabled):
# Check if the cruise stalk was double pulled, indicating that adaptive
# cruise control should be enabled. Twice in .75 seconds counts as a double
# pull.
adaptive_cruise_prev = self.enable_adaptive_cruise
curr_time_ms = _current_time_millis()
speed_uom = 1.
if CS.imperial_speed_units:
speed_uom = 1.609
if (CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.MAIN and
self.prev_cruise_buttons != CruiseButtons.MAIN):
double_pull = (curr_time_ms - self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time < 750) and \
(CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("acc")>0) and enabled and \
((CS.pcm_acc_status == 2) or (CS.pcm_acc_status == 1))
if(not self.enable_adaptive_cruise) and double_pull:
customAlert.custom_alert_message("ACC Enabled",CS,150)
self.enable_adaptive_cruise = True
self.acc_speed_kph = CS.v_ego_raw * 3.6
elif self.enable_adaptive_cruise and double_pull:
#already enabled, reset speed to current speed
customAlert.custom_alert_message("ACC Speed Updated",CS,150)
self.acc_speed_kph = CS.v_ego_raw * 3.6
elif self.enable_adaptive_cruise and not double_pull:
customAlert.custom_alert_message("ACC Disabled",CS,150)
self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = curr_time_ms
elif (CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.CANCEL and
self.prev_cruise_buttons != CruiseButtons.CANCEL):
self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
if adaptive_cruise_prev == True:
customAlert.custom_alert_message("ACC Disabled",CS,150)
self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time = 0
elif (self.enable_adaptive_cruise and CS.cruise_buttons !=self.prev_cruise_buttons):
#enabled and new stalk command, let's see what we do with speed
if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL:
self.acc_speed_kph += speed_uom
if self.acc_speed_kph > 170:
self.acc_speed_kph = 170
if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND:
self.acc_speed_kph += 5 * speed_uom
if self.acc_speed_kph > 170:
self.acc_speed_kph = 170
if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET:
self.acc_speed_kph -= speed_uom
if self.acc_speed_kph < 0:
self.acc_speed_kph = 0
if CS.cruise_buttons == CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND:
self.acc_speed_kph -= 5 * speed_uom
if self.acc_speed_kph < 0:
self.acc_speed_kph = 0
#if ACC was on and something disabled cruise control, disable ACC too
elif (self.enable_adaptive_cruise == True and
CS.pcm_acc_status != 2 and
curr_time_ms - self.last_cruise_stalk_pull_time > 2000):
self.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
customAlert.custom_alert_message("ACC Disabled",CS,150)
self.prev_steering_wheel_stalk = CS.steering_wheel_stalk
self.prev_cruise_buttons = CS.cruise_buttons
#now let's see if the ACC is available
if (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("acc")==1) or (CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("acc")==9):
if enabled and ((CS.pcm_acc_status == 2) or (CS.pcm_acc_status == 1)):

def update_acc(self,enabled,CS,frame,actuators,pcm_speed):
# Adaptive cruise control
#Bring in the lead car distance from the Live20 feed
l20 = None
if enabled:
for socket, event in self.poller.poll(0):
if socket is self.live20:
l20 = messaging.recv_one(socket)
if l20 is not None:
self.lead_1 = l20.live20.leadOne

current_time_ms = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
if CS.cruise_buttons not in [CruiseButtons.IDLE, CruiseButtons.MAIN]:
self.human_cruise_action_time = current_time_ms
button_to_press = None
# The difference between OP's target speed and the current cruise
# control speed, in KPH.
speed_offset = (pcm_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH - CS.v_cruise_actual)
# Tesla cruise only functions above 18 MPH
min_cruise_speed = 18 * CV.MPH_TO_MS

if (self.enable_adaptive_cruise
# Only do ACC if OP is steering
and enabled
# And adjust infrequently, since sending repeated adjustments makes
# the car think we're doing a 'long press' on the cruise stalk,
# resulting in small, jerky speed adjustments.
and current_time_ms > self.automated_cruise_action_time + 1000):
# Automatically engange traditional cruise if it is idle and we are
# going fast enough and we are accelerating.
if (CS.pcm_acc_status == 1
and CS.v_ego > min_cruise_speed
and CS.a_ego > 0.1):
button_to_press = CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND
# If traditional cruise is engaged, then control it.
elif (CS.pcm_acc_status == 2
# But don't make adjustments if a human has manually done so in
# the last 3 seconds. Human intention should not be overridden.
and current_time_ms > self.human_cruise_action_time + 3000):

if CS.imperial_speed_units:
# Imperial unit cars adjust cruise in units of 1 and 5 mph.
half_press_kph = 1 * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
full_press_kph = 5 * CV.MPH_TO_KPH
# Metric cars adjust cruise in units of 1 and 5 kph.
half_press_kph = 1
full_press_kph = 5

# Reduce cruise speed significantly if necessary.
if speed_offset < (-1 * full_press_kph):
# Send cruise stalk dn_2nd.
button_to_press = CruiseButtons.DECEL_2ND
# Reduce speed slightly if necessary.
elif speed_offset < (-1 * half_press_kph):
# Send cruise stalk dn_1st.
button_to_press = CruiseButtons.DECEL_SET
# Increase cruise speed if possible.
elif CS.v_ego > min_cruise_speed:
# How much we can accelerate without exceeding max allowed speed.
available_speed = self.acc_speed_kph - CS.v_cruise_actual
if speed_offset > full_press_kph and speed_offset < available_speed:
# Send cruise stalk up_2nd.
button_to_press = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL_2ND
elif speed_offset > half_press_kph and speed_offset < available_speed:
# Send cruise stalk up_1st.
button_to_press = CruiseButtons.RES_ACCEL
if CS.cstm_btns.btns[1].btn_label2 == "Mod JJ":
button_to_press = self.calc_follow_speed(CS)
if button_to_press:
self.automated_cruise_action_time = current_time_ms
return button_to_press

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