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A full ecosystem for kafka/redis/PubSub/ElasticSearch/Zookeeper/haproxy.
Hope it can help you.
Elastic haproxy that sits in front of kateway.
A fully-managed real-time secure and reliable RESTful Cloud Pub/Sub streaming message/job service.
kateway job scheduler and webhook dispatcher.
Unified multi-datacenter multi-cluster kafka swiss-knife management console.
A handy zookeeper CLI that supports recursive operation without any dependency.
ElasticSearch console.
Kafka clusters body guard that emits health info to InfluxDB and exports key warnings to zabbix for alerting.
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
# install go-bindata and go annotations
go install github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/go-bindata
go install github.com/funkygao/goannotation
# install gafka
go get github.com/funkygao/gafka
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/funkygao/gafka
./build.sh -a # build all components
# try the gafka command 'gk'
gk -h
Currently gafka manages:
- 4 data centers
- 50+ kafka clusters
- 100+ kafka brokers
- 500+ kafka topics
- 2000+ kafka partitions
- 10Billion messages per day
- peak load
- 1Million message per second
- 8TB transfered per hour
- 5TB redis