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A client for Stuart API written in scala which relies on generic-client-api and Protocol buffers using ScalaPB compiler

For a complete documentation of all endpoints and web hooks offered by the Stuart API, you can visit Stuart API documentation.


resolvers += "Artifactory" at ""

libraryDependencies += "app.softnetwork.stuart" %% "stuart-client-scala" % "0.5.3"


  # stuart client configuration
    # wether to use sandbox or not - default true
    dry-run = true
    # stuart api client id
    api-client-id = ""
    # stuart api secret
    api-secret = ""
    # stuart tax - default 20
    tax = 20
  # stuart server configuration
    # uri to handle stuart web hooks - default stuart
    path = "stuart"
    # stuart Webhook authentication
    authentication {
      # stuart Webhook authentication header - default X-STUART-SANDBOX
      header = "X-STUART-SANDBOX"
      # stuart Webhook authentication key - default changeit
      key = "changeit"


General usage

StuartApi returns essentially futures of type Future[Either[StuartError, aResponse]]

In order to return directly an Either[StuartError, aResponse] you may use the implicit function sync

import app.softnetwork.api.client.ApiCompletion._

StuartApi().aCallTo(aRequest) sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // eg StuartError(error = OUT_OF_RANGE, message = This location is out of range, data = Map())
  case Right(r: aResponse) => // ...

With StuartError defined as :

message StuartError{
    required string error = 1;
    required string message = 2;
    map<string, ArrayOfString> data = 3 [(scalapb.field).value_type = "Seq[String]"];

Validate address

import app.softnetwork.stuart.client._
import app.softnetwork.stuart.message._
import app.softnetwork.stuart.model._

StuartApi().validateAddress("12 rue rivoli, 75001 Paris") sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // eg StuartError(error = OUT_OF_RANGE, message = This location is out of range, data = Map())
  case Right(r: AddressValidated) => // AddressValidated
      // ... do stuff
      // ... do other stuff

List zones per country

val zones = StuartApi().listZonesPerCountry("france")

Check if a zone exists

if(StuartApi().checkZone("france", "Charleville-Mézières")){
  // ... do stuff
  // ... do other stuff

Request a job Pricing

val client_reference = "client reference"

val pickups = List(
    .withAddress("12 rue rivoli, 75001 Paris")
val dropoffs = List(
    .withAddress("Les Arches d'Issy, 92130 Issy-Les-Moulineaux")
val request =
    // can not schedule a dropoff in less than 60 minutes from now

StuartApi().calculatePricing(request) sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(r: Pricing) => // eg Pricing(currency = EUR, tax_percentage = 0.2, price_tax_included = 21.34, price_tax_excluded = 17.78, tax_amount = 3.56)

Validate job parameters

StuartApi().validateJob(request) sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(r: JobValidated) => 
      // ... do stuff
      // ... do other stuff

Request a job ETA

StuartApi().eta(request) sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(r: JobEta) => // ... eg JobEta(eta = 54)

Create a job

var job_id: Int = _

var delivery_id: Int = _

StuartApi().createJob(request) sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(r: Job) => 
    job_id =
    delivery_id =
    // ... do something with Job

Get a job listing

import JobStatus._

val jobQuery = JobQuery.defaultInstance
    Seq(`new`, searching, in_progress, scheduled)
  .withClientReference("client reference")

StuartApi().listJobs(jobQuery) sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(r: Seq[Job]) => // ... do something with Seq[Job]

Get a job

StuartApi().getJob(s"$job_id") sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(r: Job) => // ... do something with Job

Get driver's anonymous phone number

StuartApi().getDriverPhoneNumber(s"$delivery_id") sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(r: DriverPhoneNumber) => // ... do something with DriverPhoneNumber

Update a job

val patch = JobPatch.defaultInstance.withDeliveries(

StuartApi().updateJob(s"$job_id", patch) sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(_) => // ... do something

Cancel a job

StuartApi().cancelJob(s"$job_id") sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(_) => // ... do something

Cancel a delivery

StuartApi().cancelDelivery(s"$delivery_id") sync {
  case Left(l: StuartError) => // ... do something with StuartError 
  case Right(_) => // ... do something


General usage

import app.softnetwork.stuart.server.StuartWebHooks
import app.softnetwork.stuart.message.{DeliveryEvent, DriverEvent, JobEvent}

trait MyStuartWebHooks extends StuartWebHooks {
    * @param job - the created job event
  override def jobCreated(job: JobEvent): Unit = {
    // ... do something with the event

    * @param job - the updated job event
  override def jobUpdated(job: JobEvent): Unit = {
    // ... do something with the event

    * @param delivery - the created delivery event
  override def deliveryCreated(delivery: DeliveryEvent): Unit = {
    // ... do something with the event

    * @param delivery - the updated delivery event
  override def deliveryUpdated(delivery: DeliveryEvent): Unit = {
    // ... do something with the event

    * @param driver - the updated driver event
  override def driverUpdated(driver: DriverEvent): Unit = {
    // ... do something with the event
// All your akka-http routes, including routes for Stuart Webhooks 

import app.softnetwork.api.server.ApiRoutes

import app.softnetwork.stuart.serialization._

import org.json4s.Formats

trait MyStuartMainRoutes extends ApiRoutes with MyStuartWebHooks {
  override implicit def formats: Formats = stuartFormats

  override def apiRoutes: ActorSystem[_] => List[ApiRoute] = _ => List(MyStuartWebHooks)
// Your akka-http Application
import app.softnetwork.stuart.launch.StuartApi
import app.softnetwork.persistence.schema.InMemorySchemaProvider

object MyStuartApplication extends StuartApi with MyStuartMainRoutes with InMemorySchemaProvider{
  override lazy val config = akkaConfig

After launching MyStuartApplication, your Webhooks api will be accessible by default at http://localhost:8080/api/stuart/webhooks