Key | Mnemonic | Description |
hjkl ←↓↑→ | vim-like | Selecting objects |
space | Toggle mute (also try with control and/or shift) | |
90 /* | mpv-like | Volume up/down |
cnpg | Cards, Network, Preferences, Graph | Switch between panels |
f | Pay respects | Set sink/source as default |
m | Move | Move selected object |
a | Add | Load a module |
yay -S pagraphcontrol-git
sudo apt install npm python
sudo npm install -g yarn
git clone
cd pagraphcontrol
yarn install
yarn build
To see audio peaks build papeaks and put it on your PATH
- pulseaudio-dlna - DLNA / UPNP / Chromecast - streams to most TVs and stuff
- PulseEffects - Equalizer and other audio effects